Chapter 16

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PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO COMMENT!!! Introductions in the next chapter, so a lot of pictures will be in there!!!

I was walking through a very familiar forest, looking for that massive rock that seemed like home for me. I used the light that the sun was radiating to find it and soon my eyes landed on the shiny, almost glistening object.

I was at the spot and there was nobody there. The sun was shining really bright and the small lake looked like it had crystals in it, though I knew it didn't.

I sat down, smoothening out my pure white dress in the process and pulled my knees into my chest, looking at my bare feet.

"Hello, my beautiful Jus." A familiar voice called from behind me. I turned my head slowly and looked at the figure behind me. A gasp slowly left my mouth and tears immediately started to form.

I took in my mother's small figure. She had on a tight see through dress and white pumps. She smiled reassuringly at me as I slowly stood to my feet. "M-Mom?" I asked, shocked that she was standing right here in front of me.

Her charming smile widened and she opened her arms wider. The tears spilled out of my eyes as I ran into her arms and hugged her with all my might.

She squeezed me in her arms as if she never wanted to let me go as I sobbed into her beautiful dress. "What are you doing here?" I asked her, still sobbing.

She pulled away from me and led me toward the massive rock. We climbed up and sat down as I rested my head on her shoulder. "Jus, there are some things that I need to tell you." She said, pushing her fingers through my curled hair and looking off into the distance.

"What is it, mom?" I asked, fear and curiosity leaking from my voice.

I felt her chest heave up and down in a deep sigh. What she said next caught me completely off guard. "I am the Moon Goddess, Justine, and you will be the next."

I felt my jaw drop and my eyes widen as I looked at my mother as if she had said she was coming back to life. "What? Mother, that's impossible. The Moon Goddess has live long before werewolves existed." I said, trying to get her off the human drugs that she appeared to be on.

She just shook her head and closed her eyes. "Justine... There isn't just one Moon Goddess."  She said, making me loose my common sense.

"Mom, you don't know what you're talking about. Of course there's only one Moon Goddess. You're just in denial." I said, picking my head up from her shoulder and looking at her funny.

She sighed and slumped against the rock, laying down on it completely. I followed her down and we laid there together. "Jus, I have to explain it all to you, okay?" She says as her fingers comb back through my hair after they had paused for a while. "Don't interrupt, Jus. Just listen, alright."

I nodded against her shoulder as she began to explain. "There isn't just one Moon Goddess. I am a Moon Goddess. Your grandmother was one. Your great grandmother was one and so forth. In our family, since we manage to bare a long line of women, we have been chosen to be the line of Moon Goddesses. Starting from the very first women in our family that has mated with someone."

 "The person that we mate with is an Alpha, but not just any Alpha. Our mates are known as Moon Gods. They take the throne right next to the Goddesses, but we are the most known. Now, the Gods don't have a certain line like we do because it would be down right nasty to mate with your brother. Every single woman in our family that it first born, has mated with Alphas of many different packs. Once we die, we get sent to the moon, obviously, and we live there in a beautiful community among all former Moon Gods and Goddesses."

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