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I jolted awake from my peaceful slumber only to find that my vision was slightly blurred. I blinked a couple of times and finally got my focus back. I looked around at the red and baby blue colored interior design that flooded my room.

I peeled back my bright red comforter and planted my feet on the cold, hard floor of my room. I stood up from my queen-sized bed and padded across the floor to my large bathroom, flipped the switch and took a look in the mirror.

My long brown hair that ended just past my shoulder bones was disheveled and knotted. I let out a sigh and I picked up the brush that was left on my counter top. I quickly ran it through my hair and groaned when it got stuck and pulled at my scalp every once in a while.

I reached up and tied my hair up into a ponytail, using the hair tie that was on my wrist and looked at my reflection yet again. My brown eyes were blazing and my pale skin was... glowing? I shook my head and turned the on the water to the sink and splashed some on my face.

I turned off the water and walked back into my room, wondering if my parents were back home yet. They were at a battle and asked me to stay at home. I still couldn't believe that I couldn't help fight. I was 14 not 4. And who the hell leaves their kid by their self in a huge house while a war is going on?

Another sigh left my mouth as I walked over to my door and peered out into the empty hallways. It was dark but, being a werewolf, I had night vision. Before I walked out, I quickly grabbed my phone and walked down the long hallway towards the staircase. Once I reached the staircase, I heard voices and breathed a sigh of relief. At least they were home.

I walked down the stairs and stopped by the kitchen once I heard a voice that I had not recognized. "Who's gonna save you now, Talia? Your little Alpha is still at the battlefield. You can't win against me and you know that. We made a deal years ago and It's time that I claimed my prize. Where is she? Where's the girl?" Was he talking about me? I shook my head. No, he couldn't be.

"You can never have her. Leave now or else I will snap your neck." I've never heard my mother sound so vicious. To say I was scared was an understatement.

I heard a sickening sound and my mother's scream. I peeked my head into the kitchen, careful not to be seen, and saw that the man had slapped my mother.

The man was at least 6 foot 2 and had a muscular build. I could barely see his face, but I could make out blue eyes, and a pale face. He also had a stubble on his chin that made him look undeniably hot. His high cheekbones were like heaven and his face looked like he was carved from angels.

Snap out of it, Justine.

I finally walked into the kitchen, making myself known, and got into a fighting position, still in human form. His gaze snapped to me and he growled low in his throat.

In a swift movement, he had my mother's back pressed up against his front and a gleaming white knife was put to her throat. I gasped. "L-let her go." Damn my stuttering.

He smiled. Not a sexy smile. Not a friendly smile. A creepy smile. "I'm sorry, my dear. No can do. Now either you come with me or I slit her throat." He said in a husky voice that sounded oh so sexy.

My eyes widened. "Don't do it, Jus. Please. Just go back upstairs and lock the door. You don't need to see this." My mother said.

I mind-linked my father through the pack link. Dad? There's a scary guy here at the house and he's threatening to kill mom. Please hurry.

Dad: I'm on my way. Stall him for as long as you can, okay sweetheart.

Me: Okay, dad. I love you.

Dad: I love you, too.

Technically I wasn't supposed to have all of access to the pack link until I was 15, but being the Alpha's daughter has it's upsides.

I shook my head vigorously. "No. No, please. Mom, stop talking like that. You're not gonna die." I said to her. I turned my head a little to look at the man. "Look. I don't know who the hell you think you are, but I do know that my father will be back any minute and he will tear your sorry ass to shreds if you don't get your filthy hands off of my goddamn mother." I said with venom laced in my voice.

He smirked and asked, "Are you really going to refuse the proposition that I am giving you? I won't ask again so chose wisely. Either you come with me or your mother dies."

I stepped forward and looked him in the eye. "You. Are. Not. Killing. My. Fucking. Mother. And I am not coming with you. Now leave."

He smiled that creepy smile again. "Suit yourself." He quickly plunged the knife into her skin as her eyes went wide and drug it across her neck, slicing it. My mother fell to the floor and the guy vanished.

I ran over to my mother and held her in my arms, tears streaming down my face. I didn't even know I was crying until I spoke. "Mom, please. Keep your eyes open. Don't you dare close them. Don't leave me."

It was then that my father burst through the door, eyes wide, with several bloody men behind him. Some still in wolf form.

"Talia? Baby? Keep your eyes open. Don't you die on me." He said, running over to me and kneeling beside mom on the kitchen floor.

She stared up at me and tried to form a sentence. "You... your..... your mate..... alpha....... forgive..." She trailed off as her eyes shut and her breathing became nonexistent.

"No!" I screamed, sobbing into her shirt.

That was the only thing that my father and I could do at the moment. All we could do was cry. I lost my mother, my best friend and my father lost his mate, wife, and the woman that gave him a child.

Life wasn't fair but I did know that I would get revenge on the man who killed my mother and I don't care about what I have to do to make it happen.


So? How do you guys like the prologue? I have to admit, my eyes watered as I wrote this. I couldn't imagine what it would feel like to lose my mother. But anyway, Lilly Collins plays Justine Talia Walker in this book. She's up top.

-The Queen.

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