Chapter One

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Magnus Bane could not believe the size of the line in the coffee shop today. Checking his watch for what seemed like the fiftieth time, Magnus tapped his foot impatiently. Not only did he have to wake up earlier than usual this morning, but he forgot to pay his water bill, and the manager cut off his water. Magnus could not walk out of his apartment looking anything less than fabulous, but here he stood, smelling terrible, his hair greasy, and his face oily from the previous day's makeup.  When Magnus finally reached the front of the line, he order his usual latte, paid the barista, and walked outside. Magnus pulled his jacket tighter around himself. The winter weather was starting to get on his nerves. Taking a sip of his coffee, he made a face and spit the liquid out. Ew! Black coffee? Today seemed to be the day for bad things to happen. Magnus shut his eyes, and took a breath, reminding himself to stay calm. He dumped the coffee cup into the nearest trash can and headed off to work. Magnus own his own fashion store. He tailored, designed and sold clothing. His best friend Caterina Loss worked with him, they were basically partners. Magnus was right around the corner from his shop when a car drove passed him, the wheels of the car hitting a puddle of slush and showering him in wet, brown snow. Magnus stood with his arms outstretched, and his mouth opened in awe.

    "Seriously?!" he shouted. How could his day get any worse? Magnus slugged his way down the street and swung open his stores door. He stood in the doorway dripping on the WELCOME mat. Catharina came bustling in with a box of winter styled dresses for the front window. She took one look at Magnus, and dropped the box.

    "What the hell happened to you? You look like you got run over by a truck!" she screeched.

    "Something like that." he mumbled. Cat picked the box up and placed it on the counter.

    "Come on let's get you cleaned up before customers start arriving." She told him, while she escorted Magnus to the back of the shop.


    "Your Highness, you will be late if we do not leave soon. You must get dressed for the party." Hodge, warned Alexander Lightwood, Prince of Idris. Alec was standing in front of the large window of the hotel room. He had been sent on business to New York, and was staying at The Hotel Dumont. The party Hodge was talking about, was a dinner event that the mayor of the city was throwing in honour of his visit. Even thought it was only noon, he had other stops to make and couldn't afford to stop by at the hotel for a outfit change, nor did Alec want to.

    "Yes, I know." Alec walked over to his wardrobe and pulled the suit off the hanger. Carefully putting the suit on, Alec noticed a tar in the fabric of the jacket.

    "Ready, Alexander?" Hodge asked peeking his head around the door.

    "It looks like my suit has ripped. What a shame! " Alec said. "I can't attend a party looking like a reck! I guess I can't attend." Alec said hoping that Hodge would fall for it, and not make him go.

    "What a shame indeed!" Hodge said, examining the rip. "But it's your lucky day! I saw a tailor shop in town. We'll just have to bring it by there. Now let's go, Your Highness." Alec groaned, but followed Hodge out of the hotel suite.

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