"Oh, love," She moaned loudly. Luckily for her, James wasn't far behind and together they came screaming out each other's name.

"I love you too..." James finally replied with a final peck before he rolled back on the mattress.

Nadine smiled then laid her head against James chest, "That was amazing!" She said.

James chuckled, "Yeah, it always is with you." He replied as he planted a kiss on her lips, his phone started ringing again.

Nadine rolled her eyes then pulled away, "Just pick up the damn phone." She said.

James smiled as he reached for the phone, still cuddling Nadine and running his hands on her naked skin.

"Hello..." he answered the phone with a husky tone.

James listened attentively to the voice on the other end.

"Yes this is he speaking... Um no who's that... not really, I might need to refresh my memory..."

His eyes grew wide when the woman said what her name was and he pulled the phone away from his ears.

"Holy shit!" He murmured and Nadine instantly sat up with worry eyes.

"What wrong love?" She asked.

He shook his head and waved his hands then pulled Nadine on top of him, kissing his way down her belly.

"Um, I'm very surprised you called and I agree we should totally catch up... Saturday is lovely... ok yes... bye..." he finished his phone call then threw the phone aside to focus back on Nadine.

"Who was that?" She asked.

"An old friend." He replied and as he kissed her, James couldn't help but feel uneasy about this unexpected phone call.


The rest of the day, they stayed in bed and cuddled while watching a movie and repeating their late night and morning cycle over and over.

"You wanna go out to dinner tonight love?" James asked.

Nadine shook her head lazily then scoot closer to James on the couch.

"No, I'm not hungry," she murmured.

James smiled, "What's wrong Naddie?" He asked.

"Nothing, I'm just not feeling it right now. Can we do dinner tomorrow night?"

James went deep into thoughts before replying, "let's make it Monday. I can't tomorrow because I have business things to take care of so that would make me a lot busy." He said.

Nadine sighed, "Fine Aussie boy, Monday night sounds good to me." She replied.

James smiled, "That's why I love you." He told her and Nadine couldn't help but smile.

"Seriously? That's the only reason you love me?" She asked.

"No, I love you for a lot of reasons and this appears to be one of the few. You're supportive and I absolutely love that about you." James replied.

"And this is the epic part where you seal that statement with a kiss." Nadine joked and James lift her chin then gently press his lips on hers.

"Let's go to bed," James said, hoisting her up in his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist.

"But I'm not sleepy yet." Nadine told him with a raised eyebrow.

James smirked, "Who says we're going to bed to sleep?"

Nadine smiled, "You are so gritty!"


Saturday morning, James woke up and just stayed in bed to watch Nadine sleep. There are these little things that she does in her sleep, it's so adorable and he couldn't help the beaming smile that lit up his face. He kissed her forehead.

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