Chapter 9 - Party Time Baby

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Slowly, but ever so surely, my eyes began to flutter open. It takes a while for them to fully open because of the light beaming through the window and filling the whole room. Looks like today is going to be a sunny day, great. The way I feel, I just wish the weather would reflect and then maybe everybody else will feel an ounce of misery that I hold this morning.

My chest is heavy and my eyes are sore. Last night felt like somebody had released a ton of bricks down on my emotions. All I'm left will is numerous questions that might never be answered.

Why was my mother murdered?

Why after so long of hating me, manipulating me, neglecting her job as a mother and just damn right bulling me, did she have to leave me with such sentimental last words?

How did she even find me?

And lastly, why the heck did I ask Trey to sleep with me!

Quickly shooting up and turning to the direction of Trey, I mentally face palmed myself. I can be such an idiot sometimes. I question if I have any common sense at all. Well clearly not because you wouldn't have allowed Trey Lockwood in your bed! Have you forgotten he has a bet with his stupid friends! Oh shut up stupid conscious, nobody asked for your opinion.

"Trey! Wake up!" I shout whisper, after all I don't want any of the guys knowing. They could potentially kill Trey and however much I like the sound of that, I wouldn't want the guys to be sent down for murder.

I start to question if Trey is actually dead or just in a very deep sleep. He just isn't responding to me at all, twat.

"Trey get you ass up!" I shout as quietly as I can, however this time I start to shove him, hard. More to the point is he still doesn't move. This guy is unbelievable and is really testing my patience god damn it.

He chose the wrong day to piss me off.

With one last push, I end up startling him, which earns me some joy. He falls off the bed, very hard.

I couldn't help but burst out laughing. The site before me was just to entertaining to miss the opportunity to laugh at his misfortune. I swear deep down I felt sorry for him. Heck who am I kidding, I don't feel sorry for anyone and especially not Trey Lockwood.

"What the hell Harmony" he hissed giving me a murderous glare. It just made me laugh even more because the way he looked reminded me of a Meerkat. Ha.

I toned down my laughing and realise that this situation could play to my advantage. Time to become one more up on him.

I change my whole body language completely. My laughing has stopped, I have a serious face and I begin to project my feelings. And, action.

"What do you mean?"

"You pushed me off the bed when all I was doing is try to help you" he spat as he slowly go up off the floor, mending to his sore spots. Aww, what a shame.

"No. I woke up and yo-you were here, taking advantage of me" I cried, coating on the worry in my voice. His face just dropped in astonishment. I'm just too good of an actress, I deserve a Grammy.

"Don't you dare do what I think you are going to do Harmony" he warns me, shaking his wobbling finger at me. I really wanted to just laugh because he looks mortified.

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