Chapter 11 - Sex Gods

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"Hey Harry" I asked trying to pull his attention away from his lovely looking chicken burger. We love our burgers, don't judge us.

"Yeah" he replied barely audible due to his mouth being full of fries. I love this dude, his like the guy vision of me. If you haven't guessed already, were on lunch... in school. Have I mentioned that I hate school?

If I haven't then, I hate school.

I especially wasn't in the mood for it today after what happened on Saturday night at the party. A part of me is constantly looking over my shoulders all the time just in case Chase is anywhere near. I've also been on edge with what Trey might do to get revenge after what I pulled.

"What do you know about Trey Lockwood?" I asked casually, while then digging into my own burger and fries. Let me tell you, the genius that came up with putting mayonnaise and chicken together deserves an award or something.

"I mean everybody just refers to him and his friends being the 'bad boys' of the school" he explained, while using air quotes by bad boy. I nodded, while letting him continue, but in reality I did have a mouth full of burger. "He gets into a lot of trouble, I know that for sure. Think his been suspended atleast 6 times. His also a huge player, like massive. It's vile really, each week I've seen him with a different girl. Now, whether he actually does more than kiss them, I don't know but it's still wrong".

I just nodded in understand while returning back to my food. It didn't surprise me what Harry had told me, I kind of expected it in all honesty. The trouble part is understandable, after all he is in a gang. Whereas the man whore part, is unfortunately also understandable. 1 being that he is a guy and as much as I hate to admit it, he is sexy as hell, well that is mine and all girls in schools opinion anyway. I just wish I could get my hands on that chest of his... I bet he has a six pack, like perfectly moulded into perfection.

What can I say, I'm a hormonal teenage girl.

Bet you thought I was going to have a little battle with my conscious saying that's I shouldn't think like that, then later I start having more thoughts and admit that I like Trey like in all those romance novels?


"Well, speaking of the devil" I grunted through my mouth full of burger. What can I say, I am a girl full of class.

I looked at Trey from our table. He had just walked through the doors with Seth and two another dudes. How dare he not introduce me to those... those sex gods! I mean I thought that Seth was beautiful, but these two take the prize. So why on earth had I not seem them before?

"Now who are they?" I asked while still in my trance. I gathered that these were his friends that had the bet going and I'd shamelessly let one of them take me... except Trey of course. I could only imagine the girl at this school practically asking for it.

I could see Harry rolling his eyes out of the corner of my eyes before he replied "Their the ''bad boy' gang around school". I nodded waiting to hear more about them beauties.

"Trey Lockwood as you know, Seth Rogan who I think you've met, the one with the blond hair is Justin Jukes also known as JJ and then the one with the brown hair is called Connor Rogers" he explained, pointing out to each one. I just nodded slyly while keeping my eyes locked on them.

"Around about 15 of the populars went on a trip on the first week back to school. Why I don't know but it certainly kept the school at peace for a little while" he explained practically reading my mind as to why I hadn't seen Conner and Justin before. "They are supposed to help out in Treys family gang sometimes, apparently" he carried on explain absentmindedly, so they were in the gang too? Score. It didn't shock me that people knew about him being a gang. Heck I've learnt about everything about everyone all from Harry. People are just nosy. Wonder what people knew about the gang.

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