Chapter 19 - Nice to Meet You

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Not Edited! (I apologize)

It's been two days since I kissed Trey on the stupid cheek! I was only meant to say sorry and thank you, I mean after all he did kind of save my life. Still, that doesn't mean I have to go ahead and kiss him!

Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

"Har, why are you banging your head on the table?" Harry asked, staring down at me with his tray of food. His raised an eye brow at my crazy antics and just smiled.

"Just killing a bug" I replied simply.

"And you didn't think about killing it with you hand?" He asked, dumbfound.

"Now. What would be the fun in that my dear bestfriend."

"Your really are something Harmony" he said, lightly chuckling to himself as he sat down to eat. Today was burger day and damn did I love my burgers. Of course I had devoured mine within the first five minutes of having it. I put Adam Richman to shame.

Whilst making smile talk with Harry for a while, I started to notice that all the girls were crowded around something. Eh, probably a new student they can corrupt for their advantage.

"Is that a new student?" I asked Harry because lets be real, he knows everything that happens in this school.

"Oh, yeah. I cant remember his name but his in my bio class. Actually is it okay for him to come sit with us?" Of course I nodded, I like meeting new people I suppose. Harry motioned for the new guy to come over with a hand gesture over my shoulder. I was just interested in a text I received from Aid.

From: Aid <3

Hey baby girl, make sure you come straight home tonight. I've go some leads I need to tell you about, it's really really important x

He text had me worried. He never texts me when I'm in school, ever. This was really serious, but what could it be?

To: Aid <3

Don't worry, I will xx

Locking my phone I hadn't even realised the the new guy was sat at the table. "Harmony, meet Chase." My stomach dropped and I swear my heart. I slowly rose my head and came face to face with pure evil.

"So nice to meet you Harmony" he smirked. So nice to meet you? So god damn nice to meet you!!

"Nice to meet me?" I said rising from my seat, banging my curled up first on the table. "I have reason to believe we've already met you piece of SHIT!" I shout, starting to lose my cool. You know what the bastard did? Smirked at me.

"Har come on, let's go get some air" a voice said whilst wrapping their arm around my waist. Turning around I saw it was Seth followed by the guys. Nodding my head I followed them out to the bleachers to try and calm down. "Okay. I need to get out of here before I do something I most certainly won't regret" I spat. I was seconds away from going in there and slicing his throat with no remorse for anybody else. My blood was boiling and my rage was becoming uncontrollable.

Grabbing my arm, Trey muttered "Come on" and proceeded to drag me to his car. Alone...with a car. I've lost my mind! Remember your promise to Jessie. Right, my promise. Darn you Jessie. I bet his laughing up there and planned the whole thing.

It was really quite in the car, I don't think neither of us knew what to say. I mean what do you say to somebody you've been messing around with since you've known them. Damn that sounds wrong! You know what I mean. Darn my corrupted mind.

It's strange, we've never really hated eachother that much that we want to kill eachother but then we've never liked eachother enough to be actual friends. It's all his player ways fault. I mean you don't start a new friendship just because you have a bet regarding that person. It's people like Trey who deserved to be messed with. I clearly should just be called a hero because I've got pay back for all the girls his obviously broken.

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