Chapter 6 - Memory Lane

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"How are you holding up chick?" Maddy asked as she passed me a cup of coffee.

After I had my mini break down, Maddy shortly arrived home. She sent me to her room and we just ended up watching a chick flicks, eating tons of ice cream and loads of chocolate. This is why I missed her because she always knew how to make me feel better. I may put on a brave front but deep down I'm still an emotional girl. I enjoy being a soppy sap, watching cliché movies and even feeling sorry for myself. I think I have a right to every now and then. Right? But let me assure you, this happens once ever year... Even though I may watch the odd cliché movie, I still hated them any other time.

"Better" I smile a half smile. She flashes me a smile and joins me on the bed. Were almost at the end of Another Cinderella Story. It's one of mine and Maddy's favourite movies to watch. We've watched it that many times that we know all the songs and the dances, because were simply badass.

A lot of people, aside from Maddy, don't know that I have a crazy love for dance. It is my guilty pleasure. I'm pretty darn good at it too, well so Maddy says and everybody in gym class. I had always wanted lessons when I was younger, like all the girl in my year who learnt ballet. However, of course mom couldn't afford them. So that's when I turned to dance videos. I know ballet, contemporary, street, salsa and hip hop. I also do a lot of working out and stretches, so I am very fit and flexible. Which comes in hand when you get into fights or are running away from the police.

"OMG! Is that a picture of you and Charlie when you were younger?" I practically shout at the picture across the room. It was so cute! Charlie looked like a little baby and Maddy was still beautiful when she was younger, figures.

I walk over to the picture that's hanging on the far wall. I think it's cute that she keeps a photo of her and Charlie up on the wall.

"That was when I was about 19 and he was roughly 14. Cute right?" She smiled at me and then at the picture. I knew that they both had a strong bond, they only had each other in reality. Their mother passed shortly after Charlie's birth and their dad went a wall after the big fight that took mine and Aidan's dad's.

We all had broken home really. Aidan lost his mom when he was 10 and then his dad when he was 19. Tristan's has never known his dad and his mom is unfortunately terminally ill, well that is when I was with him last. Ryan, sadly lost both his very normal parents to a shooting mishap when he was 14. They were in the wrong place at the wrong time and that's what caused him to turn to Aidan and be part of the gang. Jessie was in a similar position to me. His mom passed when he was 2 and his dad turned to drugs, abuse and alcohol. When he turned 16, he moved from England to Brooklyn and some how found Aidan.

Now sibling wise, I had none. Nor did Ryan or Tristan. Aidan however does have a brother. His younger brother Jason, is 21 and turns 22 a day after my birthday. I always referred to him as Jay and like Aidan, he looked after me well. A year before I moved away, he actually left town and went traveling around the world a little bit. Apparently his made a little spot for himself in Hawaii. Fancy sod. Like Aidan, Jessie also had a brother and also a sister. Unfortunately he didn't get on with them when he was back home in England, they were a lot older and looked down at him like his dad did. He believes that deep down they all blame him for their mothers death.

It's weird how we all found eachother. How we can't be apart from eachother. How we all had screwed up lives and never judged each other but rather understand everything.

I wonder what Treys story is?

I wonder if he can be trusted with all what he knows...

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