Chapter 31 - The Plan

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Trey's P.O.V.

She was so clever. Only she would think about calling somebody while she was about to be attacked.

Secretly I was happy that it was me she had called and nobody else. Luckily I had been by Aiden and we were able to make out that she killed around 3 people before falling unconscious.

Thankfully the brain dead guys who had arrived shortly after had mentioned about taking her the the boss, who was at the club. Seth was able to track down what club it was so that we could end this once and for all.

I must say, it was impressive how fast they managed to own one of the most popular clubs in this area of Hawaii. Part of me believed that they did it on purpose, like he wanted the fight. He was getting his wish for sure; we were bringing a fight.

Aiden had anticipated something like this to happen, so he was prepared, a little too prepared if you ask me. Whether he was expecting for Harmony to be kiddnapped or rather just planning in advance I didn't know.

He inlisted the help of various other gangs all around America and Hawaii. We certainly weren't the only people to have unsetteled business with The Kings, they've screwed us all over in more ways than one.

I just want them finished.

It fustrated me to think what they were doing to her. I knew if we were to leave it she's be killed and I couldn't deal with that. I wouldn't be able to leave without her, none of us would especially after Jessie.

I could only imagine how she thought she was doing us all a favour, that we would all be better off with her dead but were not and I wish that I could tell her that.

What if they did something bad? What if she was going to give up because thats what she thought we wanted. I had a really bad feeling about it all, I knew her like the back of my hand and she's stupid, blinded by the protection of those she loves.

I've seen the gang with and without Harmony, safe to say they were so much happier with her. Even Seth, JJ and Connor love her, the gang seems incomplete without her.

"Trey man, please tell me you haven't been up all night again" Ryan asked. Turning in my chair, I could see that he obviously hadn't either, none of us had.

Taking my silence as his answer he came and sat on a stool next to me. "Bit early for alcohol isn't it?"

Shrugging, I continued the silent treatment sipping on my Jack Daniels. Sure it was only eleven in the morning but it took the edge off and kept me awake.

"Come on Trey" he sighed. "Were going to save her you know that right? Everybody is getting here in an hour, we'll go over the plan that Aid has come up with and by tomorrow, she'll be with us" he reasurred me.

Perhaps I should explain. Aiden had devised a meeting between all these gangs that he has recruited. We have around ninety members coming to help us, yet deep down that still wasn't enough to settle my churning stomach.

"Look I know it's clear that you two have unsaid things and I know you miss her as much as we do but we will get her back, alive and well."

I still wasn't buying it.

"You don't understand!" I stressed before adding, "I really like her Ry, I really really like her and she told me it too, the night she was taken. She actually told me how she felt and we all know she doesn't do feelings. But with me, she did. That has to count for something right? I mean what if they kill her and she doesn't know how I feel, she'll die thinking I didn't feel the same way."

I watched as Ryan studied me after my sudden out burst. I admit, I have no idea where it came from. I think that the lack of sleep and intoxication was a mere benefactor. The girl is driving me crazy.

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