Part 1 Obsidian and Papa

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A long time ago, in the forest of Mistral, a peculiar event happened, there was a man and a women, they seemed to be carrying something, they where wearing black clothing, with black hair, but with shinning green eyes, the man tall, you might even think that he is human except for the tail sticking out behind him, a blackish yellow brown tail with scales is swinging behind him, the women might pass for a human, except for her pearly white crocodile like teeth, they start to run faster, the women seems to be carrying a basket, and then they suddenly stop, and the women places the basket in a bush, she then walks back to the man, and they then walk away when suddenly, the basket starts to make a sound, it starts to wail, and that is when it happend, two bandits came out from the other side behind the parents, both bandits stabbing the man and women, their screams are heard for miles, but something comes their way, and so in the basket, was a baby, Orphaned, abandoned, left to die alone, however at that an old Beowolf came out from behind the bush, and looked at the baby in the basket, and then the Beowolf looked up and saw the bandits, so the creature of Grimm jumped out of the bush, and attacked the bandits, mauling them to pieces, the Grimm then went back to the baby, and then sniffed the child, showing some of his fangs, at that the baby looked at the Grimm and giggled, the Beowolf then brought his head back in shock thinking 'This baby Faunus isn't afraid of me?' at that the baby faunus then raised it's hand, trying to grab a hold of the Beowolves mouth, like a baby meeting a dog, and then the baby says in a slight understandable baby gibberish"Paba?" (papa,) and at that the Grimm felt something strange, this Beowolf is in fact somewhat old, and never did have a pack, after his first one was killed, he then said "Yes I am your Papa." at that the Beowolf then brought his nose to the child, and tapped his nose with the baby's nose, which in turn activated the child's aura, and then the Beowolf then said "Who are you?" and at that he then noticed the bronze disc that was beside the baby, he then reached his paw closer carefully, and picked up the bronze disc, and on the disc it said 'Obsidian A Grimmson.' and then the Beowolf then said "Yep, that's what humans call irony, alright I guess you my son." at that the Beowolf then grabbed the basket with his mouth, and brought the baby to a caved temple, the temple itself, was deep within the tunnel, along the walls where hollowed out alcoves, where there still are some statues, these statues represent the creatures of Grimm, at the very center of the cave is a giant pool of water, and in front of the pool is a giant statue of the God of Darkness, the one who created the Grimm, to the right of the pool there was what appeared to be a giant mass of bed comforters, and to the left of the pool was a pile of clothes, clothes from long dead priests, this temple no longer exists to the knowledge of man, and this was the place that Obsidian would call home, along with his Beowolf father, his father taught him many things, how to hunt, how to clean himself, how to draw (the Beowolf mostly used his claws on the ground making patterns in the sand,) strangely enough how to write and talk by finding old books in a building not that far from the cave, Obsidian grew up happy and healthy, until the dreaded day, he was seven years old when it happened. The people of Mistral have heard that there was a big Beowolf somewhere in the forests, what they did, was horrifying, they hired a group of hunters from Atlas to go and kill the Beowolf, what they found was strange, they saw a seven year old boy, laying on the chest of a curled up Beowolf, they boy looking up at the sky, not knowing what would happen next, one of the hunters shot an arrow at the Beowolve's chest on the other side, not harming the child, at that the boy was spooked because his father let out a cry of pain, and he said "Papa what's wrong, please tell me." and then the hunters went in to finish the job, one of the hunters grasped Obsidian in his arms, saying "It's okay kid, that Monster won't hurt you." at that Obsidian began to cry, kick, and flail, trying to get out of the grasp of the strange hunter, and then Obsidian yelled "Papa, please don't let them take me, I want to stay with you." it was at that moment that the Beowolf got up, and killed one hunter, before falling down himself, at that they took Obsidian to one of Mistral's Orphanages, it was there that he cried for seven nights, not stepping out of the room, not eating, and then he fell asleep, when he woke up he decide that it was best to look around this weird room, so far he saw an empty closet, a bed, a door, and something that caught his attention a desk, with a stack of blank paper, a bottle of ink, and a pen, he went to the desk and began to draw the cave temple that he called home in great detail, he then drew himself and his father in front of the temple, and he wrote at the top saying 'Obsidian and Papa' and then writing the word 'Home.' under the title, and then he got up, and went to the door, when he opened the door there was a man in a red suit, with a cane in his right hand, and he then said "Good afternoon young man, have you finished crying?" Obsidian decided to remain quit but nodded up and down, the the strange man said "Good, please don't be afraid of me, it's okay, I wont hurt you, you can tell me any thing, Okay?" and then Obsidian looked at him and said "Okay." the man then said in a shocked voice "You can speak, can you please tell me your name?" at that Obsidian then said "My name is Obsidian A Grimmson sir, what's your name, where's my papa, is he okay?" the man then said "It's nice to meet you Obsidian, my name is Mr Mahogany Crimson, however you can call me Mr M, who is your father?" at that Obsidian then went back to the desk and grabbed the paper that he was drawing on, and went back to Mr M, and said "This is me and my papa, where is he, is he okay, I miss him?!" Mr M just stared at Obsidian, wondering if what Obsidian said was true he then asked "Obsidian did this 'papa' of yours raise you?" at that Obsidian then said "Yes, he found me in the woods, took me in, raised me, and made me feel happy, why?" "Because he is dead, he's gone." says Mr M, at that Mr M was prepared for what Obsidian then did, he said while yelling "NO, YOU LIE, HE'S NOT DEAD, HE IS ALIVE!!!" and at that Obsidian opened his hands and a black liquid came out, and made a pool in front of Obsidian, and then what came out was three Beowolves snarling at Mr M, at that Mr M then used his cane, revealing the retractable blades on the sides of the cane, he then killed the three Beowolves, and then Obsidian fainted, due to all the power that he used to summon the Beowolves, little did he know the other children where around listening into the conversation and then well everyone got to know about the kid who was raised by a Grimm.

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