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I was running down the sidewalk, trying to escape from my dad. I was running and looking back when I rammed into someone. I groaned from the pain from hitting the person and the bruises and everything from my dad. Once I looked up I realized it was Ashton and I pointed behind me to show him my very pissed off dad. He pushed me behind him and walked over to my dad.

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? HUH!" yelled my dad. I whimpered and hid behind Ash even more.

"I should be asking YOU that. But I think I should be asking you why my girlfriend looks like she has been hit?"

How is he so calm about this? I asked myself as I tried to calm down.

"GIVE ME BACK MY DAUGHTER!" yelled my dad. I whimpered and whispered no so low that only Ash heard it. By now we were getting a crowd. I looked into the crowd and saw a couple of them on the phone.

"It was YOU that hit her?!" Ash roared and I flinched.

"So what if I was? What are you going to do about it punk?" My dad asked in a taunting voice.

"Call 911, baby girl." I heard Ash say in a very low voice and I nodded before I pulled out my phone.

I put my phone on speaker, and my dad lunged at me only to be shoved back.

"Your not going to touch her." Ash said in a cold voice but the way he said that made me feel warm inside.

"She's my daughter!"

"Which means that you PROTECT HER AND show her what it's like to love. NOT SHOW HER WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE AFRAID OF THE OTHER SEX!" Ash yelled.

About ten minutes of my dad yelling and trying to grab me the police came. I sighed, thank God. My dad grabbed my arm and pulled. I heard and felt a snap before I screamed. I started coughing from the pressure of my own scream. I heard a grunt and saw him on the ground and two police officers arresting him.

"Hey, it's okay. I've got you." said Ash. I started crying when he touched my arm.

"It hurts." I whispered after i got over my coughing fit. Then I started coughing even more from screaming for the first time in awhile. I know that I've been talking a little all this week thanks to Ash, but I get shortness of breath still. I was taken to an ambulance and Ash held my good hand the whole time. I was giving oxygen tubes and pain medicine.

I looked at Ash and signed, "what is going to happen to me?" I asked. I still couldn't believe that he learned sign language just for me.

"Well, the police said they were going to talk to you when we got to the hospital. So for now rest." he leaned forwards and kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes for awhile. I was almost asleep when I heard Ash.

"I should have gotten there sooner. I could have saved you faster, I can't lose someone else that I care about." I was out, before I could ask him what he meant.

After I got my arm check out because it was broken, the police walked in.

"Are you Lucy Albertson?" I nodded.

"Okay, we have a few questions we like for you to answer, but the young man needs to leave." Ash went to get up but I grabbed his arm and shock my head. I looked at the officers, and signed.

"No he stays. I can't really talk yhat well so you need him to translate."

They looked at me funny, "she said, 'No he stays. I can't really talk so you need him to translate.' And by him she means me."

"Okay. How long has he been abusing you?" I looked at Ash, and signed him.

"She says for twelve years." He wrote that down.

"Okay. Who all knows about this?" I signed out, 'nobody. I couldn't get anyone to help me without getting the other person in trouble.' I cried when I told them that because they all looked at me with shocked faces and then looks of rage before they got themselves under control when they saw me flinch away from them.

"Okay. your dad is going to jail for domestic violence of child and public violence of said child. Do you have any place to stay?" I went to say no when Ash beat me to it.

"She can stay with me. AS long as it's okay to go get her stuff out her house?"

"It's fine with us as long as she only takes two bags of clothes."

"Yes, sir." Ash said before they left.

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