Everything happened so quickly, my senses hyperactive like usual. Before I knew it, I was pulling her to a secluded area. I confessed my secret to her. I told her that I was an angel offspring; a half blood. She was so kind about it and understanding. I knew then that we would be friends.

Why couldn't I forget!? I didn't need the constant reminder of what I did. What I did after that was nearly as bad. I had let my emotions trick me. I thought that Arianna befriended my enemy on purpose and I left her in a dangerous area. She was badly injured and it was all my fault. Arianna was a healer, so she was fine after a week. But I still did something horrible.

I knew what happened in her past and I found out that she was a Sinclair. It was shocking, but I shouldn't have been surprised. She had to live her life in an orphanage. Arianna never told me about that, but I knew. Her eyes told me nearly everything. I was lucky enough to be adopted from birth, to kind parents who loved me. Though they never told me I was adopted, I always knew. First, my adopted parents had dark hair. I had golden hair as light as the sun its self. I had to constantly dye my hair and eyebrows to keep it hidden. My parents told me it was better that way; safer. I didn't understand why that was yet, but I was sure I would one day. How could I not know my own life, yet I had the power to know anyone else's?

I violated Arianna's privacy when I invaded her like that. I had also seen her future, that was what as eating me alive for the most part. I saw what was going to happen and I didn't know how to deal with it. I was confused and scared.

I had to take my mind off of it. Even if it were for a few moments. As if it were a miracle, my door was being pounded on. "Come in." I called, my voice hoarse. I was sitting on the edge of my bed, eyes on my feet. I didn't want to meet my parent's eyes when they asked for the billionth time if I was ok. I know they mean well and I realized that they cared, but they didn't understand. My parents never did.

See, they both had minor powers; mother had the ability to converse with animals and father could make plants grow very quick. Father ran his own flower shop and green house while mother was a veterinary. Exactly the type of jobs you would imagine them to have. They supported me and loved me, but there was always lack of understanding. I always knew that I didn't fit in.

"You're an angel, son." Father said to me, when I was much younger. "An angel blessed mommy when you were in her tummy. Instead of growing up to be like us, you became an angel. You were our little miracle."

I believed that for a long time. But I eventually realized that I was different from everyone else. Why would I have to dye my hair so often? Why did I have to hide? Mom and Dad burned it into my mind that I was never to tell a single soul what I was. I never understood why I had to dye my hair and why I wasn't allowed to go swimming, or take off my shirt in front of others.

But I told Arianna. I even showed her. It was the most thrilling moment of my life to share my self with another person. I would sneak out almost every night since I was 12 to experiment. I trained myself and practiced with my abilities. I researched and found out everything I had to know. I found out how I could contract my wings and use them properly. Then I remember how I took Arianna and flew with her. It was the best day of my life, other than meeting Moe. But then I let my emotions control me and I ended up leaving her alone on top of a dangerous hill.

Shaking the memories away, I turned my attention to my door, where both of my parents were standing. They had the oddest expressions on their faces. I could tell something was going on. They ignored the knife on my bed. "Gabe hunny, there is someone we would like you to meet. Come to the living room." Mom said. She had her black hair up in a pony tail. Her face was like a book. I could read her emotions and feelings easily. She was afraid and somewhat excited. Dad was the same. He had his arm around mom's waist and he held her tightly.

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