Chapter 19

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Heather's POV

I watch as Bloom reads the note. She gasps and drops the paper to the ground. She engulfs me in a hug and starts to cry. I gently stroke her hair. "Everything will be alright. We will finish the first task on time." I say.

I continue telling her encouraging things while Ruffnut reads the paper. Ruffnut gasps aswell, but she doesn't cry instead she takes a few deep breaths and says. "So, do you know what the name Berg means to you?" She says.

Bloom shakes her head feircley. Her tears slowly come to a stop and now she is just heavily breathing. I grab the note and read it while they talk. My eyes go wide as I read.

When I finish I listen into their conversation, which quickly turns into Bloom rambling "I don't know why the name even sounded familiar! I mean it could be anything!..." I walk over to Bloom and take her hands.

I look her in the eyes, and I say in a calm comforting mother voice "Calm down Bloom. I have an idea, but we need to go to the cave." She nods her head slowly and the three of us walk out the door of the great hall. I just hope my idea works.

Tuffnut's POV

I wake up with a start. I look around to see that I am in a bedroom. I get up and take a look around. "How did I get here?" I ask myself. "I had somebody bring you here." A voice says.

It sounds feminine. "I thought I would wake up in a cell. I mean being knocked unconscious and all." I say. "Now why would I put our guest in a cell!" The voice said. "Can I get back to my friends now?" I ask the voice.

"No!" The voice shouted. I was slightly startled by this. "Lunch will be in a few minutes. Feel free to wonder the hut, but I will tell you now that the hut has a barrier around it, so you can't leave. Have fun!" The voice said.

"Why am I here?" I ask. "That is easy. You are here because Bloom and Heather were taking to long. They need to finish the tasks soon, or else it will be to late!" The voice said. I nod my head.

I head out of the room, looking for where lunch would take place. I stumble into a room with a table in the center of the room, surrounded by chairs.

Right when I sit down people come in from what I guess is where they prepare the food, and they set down plates full of food. I look around to see that all of the people who brought out the food had left.

I go to grab a chicken leg, but somebody walks in the room. She is taller than Bloom by a few inches. "It is nice to see you are enjoying the food. I didn't know what you would like." The lady said.

"You were the voice in my room!" I say. "Yes I was. Now do you want to hear about how I know Bloom?" She asks me. "Sure!" I tell her. I grab some food and I continue to eat, but what she says next stops me in my tracks.

Bloom's POV

We get to the cave and Heather says "Okay, Bloom get the fire started." When I get the fire started the three of us sit around the fire.

"Bloom you are going to use your powers to get to your past, and when I say past I mean before your parents died." Heather says. I close my eyes, and I start to think back to that day.

Everything around me slowly disappears as I go deeper and deeper into thought. I watch my whole life from now to when my parents died. I come to a stop. I can't seem to move any further than that day.

I start to remember things like my second birthday. I push further. Further... Further... Further... I see the village. Not Domino, no I see this place. I see Erica Berg and some other people.

All of a sudden this place is being attacked. I see my parents from Domino fighting. They run into Erica's house. They go into the room I woke up in the first day I stayed here.

I look to see a baby sleeping peacefully. "Look!" My mom said. "She doesn't have a mark!" My father said. "Lets take her away from these terrible people!" My mom said. Suddenly Erica comes rushing in.

"Don't touch her!" She yells. "No! You keep away from this innocent child! We are going to save her from you terrible people!" My mother said. "No don't take my baby!" Erica yelled.

"This innocent child doesn't have the mark of your kind. We can still save her!" My father yells. "She will get her mark! She will be our savor! She will protect us from you vile people!" Erica snaps.

"You are the vile ones!" My mother says. "And if we keep her away from here, she will never get her mark!" My father said. My parents grab the child and go to the door.

Erica wouldn't fight them, because she did't want to hurt her child. "Wait!" Erica says. My parents turn around. "What?" My father snaps. "Can I at least say goodbye?" Erica asks.

My parents look at each other. "No funny business." My mother says. "Of course not." Erica says. My mother hands the baby to Erica. "I know one day you will return to me." Erica tells the baby.

She kisses the baby's forehead. She hands the baby back to my mom and says. "Can you please keep her name the same, please. As a mother I beg you, it was my husbands mothers name." Erica pleads. My parents make eye contact again. My mom than asks "What is her name?" Erica smiles. "Bloom."


Did you know this?

Do you know what this means?

Are the pieces finally coming together?

Any suggestions?


Until Next Time....

The Past Haunts Us, The Future Tortures Us-How To Train Your DragonWhere stories live. Discover now