Chapter 16

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Hiccup's POV

I went to go and grab some breakfast, when I started to get yelled at. "Hiccup! Hiccup! Hiccup!" I turned around to see Astrid. 

"Morning Milady. What seems to be the matter?" I ask. "It's Heather she is gone!" My eyes go wide. "Lets go get the others and try to find her." I say. We rush over to the gang. 

"Are you guys okay?" Fishlegs asks. "Heather is missing!" Astrid blurts out. Fishlegs starts to freak out and Dagur's eyes go wide.  "Really Astrid." I say. "Sorry, but I want to find her now!" She exclaims. I sigh. 

"Saddle up and meet me at the hanger as soon as you can." I say running to go and get Toothless. We get to the hanger and wait for everybody else to get here.

 Fishlegs was the last one there. "Okay now that we are all here I can tell you the plan." I start. "Dagur and Fishlegs will head West. The twins will head North, Astrid, you will go East, and I will head South. Snotlout stay here in case she comes back." I tell everyone.

 They nod in agreement and we all head out. "I hope we will be able to find her. Who knows maybe with some luck we will find Bloom as well." I tell Toothless.

After hours of searching we come across nothing and head back. We are the first ones back, shortly after Astrid lands next to me. "Any luck?" I ask. "No!" She snaps back.

 "Don't worry we will find her." I reassure her. She smiles at me. "I need to get back to Berk soon, so I am putting you in charge here." I tell her. 

"I will see you when we get back." She says with a smile. "I am leaving after dinner." I tell her. "Well than the rest of the gang should get here soon, or they will miss you." She replies.

 "I might have to leave before they get back. I mean Fishlegs loves Heather, and Dagur is her sister, so they might be out for awhile." I say. She nods her head. I wonder where the twins are.

Fishlegs POV

I have been searching with Dagur for hours. We haven't found much, but she couldn't have gone to far. The bad part about riding a Gronckle is that it is slow, but I wouldn't trade my Meatlug for anything.

 I look to see the sun setting. "Dagur, maybe we should set up camp for the night." I suggest. I look back at the sky to see that there was a storm coming.

 "It looks like there is a storm coming." I tell him. "You might be right." Dagger said. We quickly found a cave and set up camp for the night. I just hope we can find Heather.

Tuffnut's POV

The only reason we are still looking is because I believe that Heather found Bloom, and I want to find Bloom. It starts to get dark, and a storm starts to roll in.

 "We should find somewhere to sleep." I say. Ruffnut nods her head and we quickly find a cave. The next morning we wake up and start looking some more.

 After a while I see someone flying. "Ruffnut! Look that must be Bloom!" I say. We pick up speed, but out of nowhere we hit something and we start falling. All of a sudden I hit the water and I blackout.

Blooms POV

I wake up and see that the storm has passed. I drop from the ceiling quietly so that I wouldn't wake Heather up. I look outside and I decide to go for a flight. 

I jump up and I start to fly around. I look to see a hideous zippleback flying straight towards me. I wasn't worried because of the barrier, but I was confused on why it coming towards me. 

As it got closer I saw two riders. I gasped. I quickly moved closer so that I could open the barrier for them, but just before I could they hit the barrier. The started to fall.

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