Chapter 10

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Bloom's POV

When I wake up I go outside to see that the sun isn't up yet. "Well I guess I get some alone time this morning." I say to myself.

I smile. I go to a clearing in the forest, and I take my hands and I create a cloud, and after the cloud is created I make it snow.

After I make a huge snow pile, I get rid of the cloud, and I go over to the pile.

I start to make a fortress. Once I finish I turn it to ice.

I look up and see that it is going to be a warm day. I have the trees surrounding the fortress cover it up.

"That should keep it from melting till I get back!" I say. I fly to where everybody was last night.

I see the whole gang eating. Nobody seemed to notice me. I smile. This is perfect!

I get some water and I start to put it above their heads. They still didn't notice. I went up in the rafters. I smirked.

I dropped the water on Fishlegs first. I than drop it on Snotlout. Next is Hiccup. Than  Astrid.

I wait a little bit before dropping water on Ruffnut. I wait a few seconds before I drop it on Heather.

I come down, and laugh at their faces.

"Hey! How come Tuffnut didn't get drenched in water?" Heather asked.

Before I could answer Tuffnut said "That is because she likes me more than you!"

I laugh at his statement. I turn the water above him to snow then I drop it.

Tuffnut is now buried in snow. "I just had something special for him. It took a little longer to turn water into snow." I say.

I get his head out from the snow and kiss his forehead.

I stole some fish from Toothless and I walk to the door. I look behind me and smirk at my handy work.

I have a quick breeze come in and dry the gang somewhat.

I jump off from where I was, and I let myself fall, before I caught myself. Off to my fortress I go!

Tuffnut's POV

I watch as everybody was getting soaked with water. I knew exactly who it was too.

I watched as Heather got drenched. I waited for my turn, but instead Bloom hopped down from the rafters laughing.

"Hey! How come Tuffnut didn't get drenched in water?" Heather asked.

Before Bloom had a chance to respond I said "That is because she likes me better than you!"

Bloom laughs, than I am under a pile of snow! I heard muffled voices, than my head gets uncovered and Bloom kisses my forehead.

She walks behind me. I can't move my head so I am stuck looking at Heather and Ruffnut. I feel a strong breeze come in.

The others seemed to dry up a little bit, but I am still stuck in a snow bank! My body starts to go numb. I like this feeling. 

Time Skip

Bloom's POV

I have decorated my fortress how I like it. I go to the circle, dome thingy in the middle of there mini village.

I still don't know where we are! When I got there I got bored so I decided to make it snow.

After the floor of this dome thing is covered, I see the gang approaching. I build a mini wall that I can hide behind and I make a ton of snow balls.

When they enter I hear Heather say "Oh no." I smile.

I poke my head up from behind my wall. "You remember!" I say.

She turns around, but before she can leave I throw a snowball at her. I laugh evilly as I throw snowballs at the others.

They all join in. After about ten minutes of a free for all, unofficial teams were made.

Tuffnut and Heather were smart and teamed up with me, Hiccup was teamed up with Astrid, and the other three were kind of on a team.

This lasted for hours, but after a while my team was dominating so it seemed like Hiccup and Astrid teamed up with Snotlout, Fishlegs, and Ruffnut.

While Heather and Tuffnut were throwing snow balls I built up the walls and made more snowballs.

The dragons even joined in throwing snow with their tails or wings. Once the sun went down Hiccup started to get bossy.

"Alright play time is over everybody go to bed!" He said.

Everybody made eye contact, and with evil smirks we all started to throw snowballs at Hiccup.

Some of the dragons even joined in. After a few minutes though we finally stopped. Everybody started to go to bed.

I stayed behind with Hiccup. "You should really get to bed. I will clean this up." Hiccup says.

"Or you could go to bed and I can get this cleaned up in a matter of seconds." I say.

I twirled my hands and all of the snow went into one big pile. I quickly melted it all.

"See, that would have taken you hours!" I say as I head to my fortress. "Where are you going, Heather's hut is that way." Hiccup says confused.

I smile. "I built myself a fortress this morning." I stopped. "Never-mind it probably melted." I say changing my direction to Heather's hut.

Hiccup laughs a little. When I got to Heather's hut I see her asleep. I smile, this reminds me of when we were kids.

I would sneak out and and play with my powers in the forest, and when I would come back Heather would be asleep on her bed.

I smiled at the memory. I frown. I should leave. I mean all I do is distract everybody from what they should be doing.

Hiccup most likely tries his hardest to keep people out of the forest to keep me unnoticed, when I just wonder around carelessly.

Heather hasn't spent much time with the rest of the gang lately. Tuffnut hasn't spent much time with Ruffnut.

I feel like I am tearing the bond here. I grab some paper, and start writing everybody personal notes.

When I finished writing all of the notes I went to go and place them where each of them can find it.

I put Heather's note on my bed that I slept on. I put Fishlegs's on his books. I place Astrid's on her ax.

I put Snotlout's on Hookfang's horn. I put Hiccup's letter with Toothless. I put Ruffnut's on Barf. The hardest one that I had to give is Tuffnut's.

I placed his on Belch. I went in the twin's hut and kissed him on the forehead. "I will miss you Tuffnut." I whisper.

I ran out of their hut, and jumped off the cliff. I caught myself and flew away to a random island.

I feel a signal tear run down my cheek. Out of no where I am caught in a net and dropped into the water.

When I hit the water, I hit it with enough force to knock me out.


Sorry for the delay

How was your day?

That rhymed!


Until Next Time....

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