Chapter 3

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Blooms POV

Astrid comes stomping back towards us, with Hiccup walking quickly behind her. "Well..." He pauses for a second. I could tell that he was going to say my name, when he realized he hadn't asked. "Bloom." I say. 

He looks confused for a second. "My name is Bloom." I clarify. He nods "Well Bloom you came just in time for dinner in the Great Hall!" He finishes.

 I smile and follow the gang. We enter the Great Hall to Vikings yelling and cheering. I normally never enter any building in villages. This is the longest I have ever stayed in a village.

 I look around in awe. I take a seat next to Tuffnut, and Hiccup hands me a plate with something weird on it. I pick it up by the bone part, and I examine the weird brown exterior. "Have you never seen chicken before?" Astrid asks with a laugh.

 "What's a chicken?" I ask. Her mouth falls open. "What do you normally eat?" Hiccup asks. "Fish." I say. He smiles and grabs a fish, but it looks different. "What did you do to the fish?" I ask. "Well it was cooked over a fire. How do you normally eat fish?" Hiccup asks.

 "Well first I have to catch it, then I eat it. I don't do what ever you did to this fish." I say. I look at the others to see their jaws drop. "Try the fish." Fishlegs says. I hesitate, but I do as I am told. I take a bite and what I taste is nasty. 

I spit it out and say "That is vile." I look over and see the  dragons eating the fish I like. I walk over and grab a fish from this massive bowl, and I walk back to the gang and I start to eat the fish. I see the group turn green as I eat the fish. 

When I finish eating the fish, Fishlegs and Snotlout had left the room, Astrid and Hiccup looked at me there faces green, and the twins look at me with awe. "Why are you guys staring at me?" I ask confused.

 "You just ate a raw fish, willingly." Astrid said, still a little green. "No I am pretty sure I ate a mackerel." I say.  They laugh. I look at them confused. "What is so funny?" I ask. "You." Snotlout says. I brush it off. 

"So what do you normally do here on..." I trail off. "Berk." Fishlegs says.  "Yeah, so what do you normally do here on Berk?" I ask. "Well I normally have some Chiefly things to do." Hiccup says. "And I am a part of the Berk guard." Astrid says, she gives me a deadly glare.

 I turn to the others while they tell me what they normally do. I pay some what attention. I mainly focus on Astrids death glare. I don't know why she hates me so much, I hardly know her. Maybe she already knows about me. "So what island did you come form Bloom?" Astrid asks me. "Domino." I say. "They say the people of Domino are known for living in the cold." Fishlegs says. I chuckle. "There is always snow on the ground, and there are parties in the town square every week! Everybody dances, and sings. It lasts all night, and into the morning." I close my eyes and imagine myself there again. 

"It sounds like you miss Domino." Hiccup says. I open my eyes, smile and nod. I was just three when I left so I don't remember much, but it was amazing. "So why were you on a boat far away from Domino? And why were you the only one on it?" Astrid asks. 

"Domino was under attack, so my parents sent me away on that boat. I don't know how to steer a boat, so I just floated till I got here." I say, with a slightly sad tone. I yawn. "You must be tired, you can sleep in the guest house. Here I will show you where it is." Hiccup says. 

I smile at Astrid, then I get up and follow Hiccup out. Toothless follows us out. Hiccup shows me where I was staying and then he heads to his house. I wait a few minutes, before a familiar face comes in the guest house. "Hey, bud. I haven't seen you since I was five." I say to the Night Fury who hops around the guest house. "I missed you too. Lets go to the woods and play a game of pop the bubble." I say. 

I hop on Toothless's back. When we arrive at a cove I head over to the lake and pull out some water bubbles. I place them in various places and various heights. "You know I like my name for you better then what Hiccup named you. Dusk just has a nicer ring to it." I say with a shrug. I see Dusk/Toothless jump to get a water bubble, but I move it just to be mean. 

I laugh. "Can I call you Dusk?" I ask the dragon. He just bounces around some more trying to get the bubbles. I start to move the bubbles around, but lower. This makes Dusk go crazy. He just stops moving and sits down. 

I stop moving them and say "Are you even going to try and get them? Come on has Hiccup made you lazy?" I start to taunt him while moving the water bubbles again. "Come on. Is there no fury left in you? Are you just a big baby?" that one gets him.

 He goes and pops one right next to me getting me all wet. "Hey that wasn't nice!" I say. I laugh. Now Dusk is licking me. "Ew... You know that doesn't wash out!" I say. 

I hear a gasp behind me. I quickly turn around to see Hiccup. All of the water bubbles pop, as I scream. "You are the Evil Demi-Goddess!" Hiccup says. 

"No! The story isn't true! I would harm anyone! I show my face every few years because I talk myself into thinking that I can make friends! And when I was three I watched my parents die, and I was traumatized so I ran into the woods and I went into this cave and I jumped into this pool of water that was in there and I woke up with these powers and when i was little I thought that my powers were so cool so I showed the town and they chased me out of the island. I island hop every so often, it only looks like I threaten people, but when they find out what I am they get scared so they scare me and my powers go haywire, and I can't control them! I would never hurt some one. I met Dusk... I mean Toothless when I was three and he helped me find food and he helped me survive! When I was five I accidentally burnt Toothless, I was scared I would hurt him again so I told him to leave. He did and I was playing a game we used to play when I was little. " I say all in one quick swoop. 

My breathing is heavy. I wait for a response from Hiccup. "I believe you, but I don't know if the rest of Berk will." He says honestly. I run over and give him a hug. 

"Thank you for believing in me Hiccup." I say. I break the hug. "I will leave tomorrow." I say. "How about you stay here and you can leave once you train a dragon." Hiccup says. "I don't think that is a good idea Hiccup." I say. 

"Just till you train a dragon, then you can go and leave." Hiccup says. I bite my lip. "Okay, deal." I say. He smiles. I return the smile and Hiccup joins Dusk in the game of pop the bubble.


Hey people

I really like the end of the chapter

I don't know why, but I want to play pop the bubble

Well now I feel super awkward (Not like I wasn't already sitting here awkwardly)

Now before this gets any more awkward...

Until next time...

The Past Haunts Us, The Future Tortures Us-How To Train Your DragonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon