Chapter 9

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Tuffnut's POV

   "Hey Bloom!" I said happily. She smiled at me then said "Hey Tuffnut." She sits down next to me. Hiccup asks her "Do you want something to eat?"

"I just ate, but thank you for the offer!" She told him. "So where were you this morning? You were gone when I woke up?" I asks her.

She smiles at me and says "Well I don't know where we are so I went exploring! Then I got hungry so I went fishing, after I caught a fish I ate it while making my way over here."

She looks at me when she finishes her story. I smile at her, then I turns to Ruffnut. I look her in the eye, and she gets what I mean.

We both walk out and I close the door behind us. "What do you want?" She asks. I sigh. "It's about Bloom." I say. "What about her?" She seemed to be interested in this topic.

"Well, I don't know! Whenever I look at her I want to smile, and when we go around causing havoc on Berk I feel happier, then when I cause havoc with you! I also get this weird fuzzy feeling whenever I see her! What is wrong with me!" I ask her.

 "You like her! That's what is wrong with you!" Ruffnut says. I stop and think for a moment. It made sense. "So I like Bloom?" I ask. "Yes." Ruffnut answers.

"How do I know if she likes me?" I ask. "You ask her when you two are alone." Ruffnut says. I open the door and we walk back inside. I sit down next to Bloom. Hiccup starts to give out assignments.

Astrid's POV

Ruffnut sits down next to me and then whispers in my ear "Tuffnut just confessed that he likes Bloom!" I look at her in shock. I quickly tell Heather, then Hiccup starts to give out assignments.

"Okay so Astrid and Heather you two are gathering wood, Fishlegs you and Bloom are going to count the dragons on the island, and Ruff, Tuff you two are going to inspect the island for anything we need to fix, Snotlout you are replenishing our Monstrous Nightmare gel supply. I have a list of things that I need to get for Berk, so..."

"Hiccup I want to work with Fishlegs today." Heather says. I smile knowing what she is trying to do. Ruffnut show the same knowing look. "My job sounds boring I want to work with Astrid!" Ruffnut whines with a smile.

"I am fine with that! Looks like Bloom and Tuff are working together!" I say as Ruffnut, Heather, and I leave before Hiccup could tell us otherwise.

"Nice plan Heather!" I say giving her a high five. "Nice job on picking it up!" She tells us. We smile and wave at Bloom and Tuffnut as they walk out. Bloom sticks her tongue out at us, obviously she figured out what we were doing.

 Hiccup and Fishlegs come out and look at us like we were crazy. "What was that about?" Hiccup asked us. "Well you know how Bloom likes Tuffnut?" I ask him.

"Yes?" He says questioningly. "Well when Ruff went out with Tuff, Tuff told Ruff that he likes Bloom!" Heather says.

"And so we figured if we can get those two to work together..." Ruffnut begins, but is cut off by Fishlegs who finally caught on "One of them would ask the other out!"

 Hiccup finally got what we said. "I love you, but come on, I think all of this chiefing is slowing you down!" I tell Hiccup. 

Bloom's POV

I knew exactly what they were doing as soon as Heather wanted to switch. I mean yes she likes Fishlegs, but she would rather work with Astrid.

We ride Barf and Belch around the island, not really looking for anything. "So I was wondering..." we both said at the same time. "You can go first." I say while I feel my cheeks redden.

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime?" He asked. I could tell that he was nervous. "I would love to!" I say excitedly. He smiles at me "You would!" He asks. "Yes I would! What do you have in mind?" I ask him.

"I haven't thought of that. To be honest I wasn't sure if you would even say yes!" He said. I laugh a little bit.

"That's fine, let's ditch this and go and blow stuff up on a different island! Give Hiccup a little break!" I tell him. He laughs and nods his head. We rush off to a nearby island.

Time Skip

Astrid's POV

"I think our plan worked! I haven't seen them all day!" I told the gang. All of a sudden we heard a loud thump. We looked see Bloom and Tuffnut getting off of Barf and Belch laughing.

"Remember how beautiful the explosions looked!" Bloom said. "They were almost as beautiful as you!" Tuffnut says. Bloom smiles at Tuffnut, and everybody else just sat there shocked at what Tuffnut just said.

They sat down and Tuffnut said "Are we going to eat or stare?" Bloom laughed at this. Everybody blinked a few times than continued to eat. "So what were you two up to?" Heather asks.

"Well When we went to do what ever it is we were supposed to do, Tuffnut asked me out. So I suggested that we go to an island nearby to explode a few things, and set other things on fire!"

Bloom said with excitement behind every word. Our plan worked! Bloom and Tuffnut both started to talk about where they went, and what they exploded.

 Those two are perfect for each other. After they finished their story Bloom let out a yawn. "That reminds me, where am I going to be staying tonight? I don't want to steal Tuffnut's bed again." Bloom asks.

"She can stay with me! I have an extra bed in my hut!" Heather says. Obviously wanting to spend sometime with her sister. "Well then it is settled! Bloom you will be sleeping in Heather's hut." Hiccup said.

"Well I am exhausted, so I think I will go to bed now." Bloom says. "Well than let me show you where it is!" Heather said getting up. Bloom kisses Tuffnut's forehead than leaves with Heather. Everybody just went back into shock. This was going to take some getting used to.


So I am updating at school

Weird I know

How was your day?


Until Next Time....

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