Chapter 2

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"This is the legend of the evil Demi-Goddess. This story starts eighteen years ago, the Demi-Goddess is three years old. It is told that she had just left her house when her parents had died. People say that she had gone in the forest and that she didn't return till the next day. When she came back she had started to steal the towns water. She stole the water by using magic. She moved her hands and the water had started to come out on her command. Before she could steal the water though somebody stopped her. She fought her way out of town. It is said that she ran on the water to a nearby island.  She was never seen again on that island. A few years later she was seen threatening a person at another island, then she disappeared again. She pops up every few years and threatens a village, then she disappears again for a few years only to show up again a few years later. By where she was seen last, she should be close to Berk." The guy with the mustache finishes.

The people listening to him said there woahs, and then the guy with shaggy brown hair says "Is this legend real?" "Of course it is real Hiccup! Have I ever told you a story that wasn't real." The guy with the mustache said.

He paused for a moment and then added "Don't answer that." Then the guy with dark hair asks "How would you tell her apart from anybody else." "You can't. She looks like a normal girl." The mustache guy says.

I smile that means that they don't know about the mark on my arm. "What if these story's are exaggerated? I mean it is seventeen years old." The guy with shaggy hair says. "Yeah I agree I mean there have been other stories that the whole truth wasn't there." A girl with blonde hair with a braid in her hair says. I smile.

I accidentally stepped on a twig and it snapped. I gasped and looked to see them still talking. Only the guy with shaggy hair seemed to notice, but he quickly dismissed it and continued to argue his point. I walk further into the woods.

I might just show my face in this village, tomorrow. I go to the beach and I pull up a ship from the water. I place it so it looks like it crashed.

I examine my work and hide inside the wreckage. I go and lay down inside. I decide to sleep here, I mean the sand is nice and soft so why not.

The Next Day

I wake up to the guy with dark hair in my face. I scream and jump backwards, hitting my head on the boat. "Ow." I say putting my hand on my head. He gets pulled out from the opening in the boat and the guy with shaggy hair looks in.

"Sorry about him. He is just... Well he is just Snotlout." He says. I move slightly backwards as he puts his hand out. "It's okay, I don't want to hurt you." He says. I look at his hand and look at his face. "Here let me get you some room." He says, as he backs out from the boat.

I slowly come out from where I am and I see all five of the people who were listening to the story last night. I look past them to see their dragons. I look to see a familiar face. I come out again and I stand up.

I look at them all and I can tell they are looking me up and down. I am honestly kind of scared. I am lucky that my powers aren't going haywire. "I am Hiccup and this is Toothless." The boy with shaggy hair says, he pointed to the Night Fury when he said Toothless. "This is Astrid, and Stormfly." He says gesturing to the blonde girl with the braid and the Deadly Nadder next to her.

"These are the twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, and their dragon Barf and Belch." They have the Zippleback. "This is Fishlegs, and Meatlug. And lastly that is Snotlout and Hookfang." He finishes and I nod my head.

I am still nervous about the group. "Here you can ride with me up to the village." Hiccup says. I think he saw the fear in my eyes because he quickly says after that "It isn't scary at all. We have been riding for five years now, and not one of us have died from it." He says.

I slowly nod and take a step towards Hiccup. "Or she could ride with me." Snotlout says grabbing my wrist. I stumble forward as he does this. "Or she could ride with me." Fishlegs says. "Or me." Tuffnut says. "Or me." Ruffnut says. "We ride the same dragon!" Tuffnut says to Ruffnut.

I laugh at this. "Let's just have her ride with me." Hiccup says. He takes my hand and helps me on his dragon. I smile at first. Then Toothless takes off, and I wrap my arms around Hiccup. I hop off of Toothless.

"So how did you end up on the shores of Berk?" I think of an answer, when I think of my parents and getting kicked off my island, and people hating me. I start to cry. "It's okay if you don't want to tell us." Hiccup says.

I try to stop crying, but it is harder than you would think. I calm down and look at the others. Hiccup looks slightly worried, the twins are hitting each other with maces, Fishlegs looks concerned, Snoutlout looks like he is in an awkward position, and Astrid is staring daggers at me. "Hiccup can I talk to you for a second." She says pulling Hiccup away. I just stand there awkwardly.

Astrid's POV

I do not trust this girl. She reminds me to much of Heather. "Hiccup can I talk to you for a second." I say dragging him away so that they can't hear us. "Doesn't this remind you of something, or should I say someone!" I say.

"If you are thinking about Heather and when she arrived here, I would have to say I don't think this is like that! I mean those were genuine tears, back there. Plus why would she lie? The Outcasts are our allies now, Dagur is well... Viggo isn't a problem anymore, and Drago is more than likely dead, so who would be after us now!" Hiccup says.

I growl, "This could be someone new! It doesn't have to be an old enemy! Viggo wasn't an old enemy! Plus you need to have to become enemy's before you can become old enemy's!" I say getting angry. He just rolls his eyes. "Come on let's give her a chance! And you can keep an eye on her while she is here." He says.

This boy is to stubborn. How did I ever decide to date this guy! I sigh. "Fine, but if she turns out to be like Heather was, I won't just have her neck!" I say walking back to the gang, and our mystery guest.


How are you doing?

I learned how to write in Norse!

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Until next time.....

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