Chapter 22 - Rebel Heart

Start from the beginning

My gaze turned to Sam, who was staring after Avalon like she was a unicorn leaving a trail of rainbows.

Amanda's friends were gathered around her, she was moaning and crying they were crying and screaming.

"Aren't you going to do something Seth?" one asked me outraged.

"No," I shrugged as I started to get my stuff out of the locker.

"Go find a teacher, she'll be out of here as quick as," one girl demanded of someone.

"Piss off hooker, don't tell me what to do," Sam growled and I turned just in time to see the girl realise you she just tried to boss around, her face went all read and she stayed silent. One girl however, got up and took off down the hall.

"That was hot," Sam said as we walked off to hang out in our usual spot before the bell, again it irritated me.

"Yeah she doesn't mince words does she?" I answer not wanting to get on the subject of who's hot. I hope she's busy on Sunday and doesn't come down to the beach, I really don't know what Noah will do. "Are you comin' with us tomorrow down South?"

Sam nodded absently and I know he was reliving Avalon's punch. Would Noah find her attractive?

Suddenly I decided that Avalon was just as much part of my turf as the breaks I defend.


"Holy crap Av," Ruth grabbed my arm and turned me around, "you'll probably get suspended now!"

'What's suspended?" I've never heard it before, but it sounds painful.

'Where they don't let you come to school for a while," she stares at me incredulously.

"What? I'll get sent home? Why didn't you tell me that before, I would have beaten Seth up ASAP," I laugh, hoping in a way I do get sent home and then I can go to Harry's.

"It goes on your record Av," Lucy says quietly.

"Guys you have to remember, I already have a job. One that I will have for my whole life. I don't even need to be at school, my Mother just said I had too... and I have a feeling why that was," I add darkly thinking of her pimp career.

The only thing I worry about was D, that she would somehow get the reprecussions from what just happened but I doubt it, I reckon people will think that I will go 'em... and now that I know that I will get sent home from school there'll be no hesitation from me.

That felt so good, although I'm disappointed in Seth kind of that he let her say those things to someone.

"If I'm getting suspended let's go find this guy now, I know you guys will look after D for me," I smile at them. They had only just met her but Lucy had her arm wrapped around D's and had gushed over her designs and were all chomping on the bit to help out.

Tina came up with the idea that we should help D out a big markets in the city, apparently that's how some big name people started.

I follow them to the photography room and look in through the little glass bit in the door, there's a tall lanky guy in their hunched over something.

Tina opens the door, "Hi Damien," she smiles.

Damien looks up and drops what's he doing in fright, he looks in awe of the number of people coming through the room.

I turn to Jamie and Wade, "hey can you do us a fave and keep a lookout for anyone coming to find me?"

They chuckle and move out through the door, I notice them reenacting my punch, boofheads.

Damien has relaxed slightly as our numbers dwindled, he was very pale with the lightest blue eyes, and even his hair was white. Maybe he was an albino, like a mare we had a home. I guess it's ok for a horse to be an albino but must be hard for a kid living in a beach suburb of tanned bullies.

"Hey Damo, we heard that you were the go to man for photography," I smile moving forward.

He nervously takes off his glasses and wipes his eyes, " y-y-y-you dd-d-d-d-d... d-did," he stutters. Hell no wonder he stays in here, out in the halls must be a suicide run for him.

We have a guy that works for us in the dry season, his name is Hank. He used to have a really bad stutter when he first came and would hang with the animals a lot. But we never said anything about it and waited patiently for him to finish without butting in (which is sometimes hard for me) and now he only stutters maybe about a quarter of the time. He wants to work with us full time, which Dad said he would let him but he had to get a woman first.

So I just smile like normal, "yep we need your help to help D here, she is an awesome fashion designer and maker but we need photos of her stuff."

He looks at D and his white cheeks colour even more, "j-j-j-j-ust-t-t t-the c-c-c-lothes or s-s-sssss-somb-b-b-body i-i-n them?"

I felt like cheering that he said a word straight out, but that was a no no.

"Avalon is going to model for me," D spoke up offering a Damien a shy smile.

Damien ran an probing eye over me and nodded. He turned to D, "W-w-w-hat-t-t t-t-type of c-c-clothes?"

D drew her book out  and they sat on the table together pointing and talking, Lucy and Tina went over as well and began putting their two bob in.

I had no idea so I just hung back thinking of fencing and stuff. My hand kind of hurts form punching that cow because normally I train with pads and gloves, her bony face sure is hard. I can't believe how good that felt. What a pig!

I never really hated anyone before but I hate her, I look at D, she is so sweet and nice. Why would anyone pick on her?

They bloody better not want to anymore.

"Av? Here this is one of the country ones I made, it's your shirt," D said blushing and not looking at me.

Opening the bag I pull the shirt out, "Whoa this is awesome!" I exclaim excitedly turning it over in my hands, she's even got words on the back in a great font, "Rebel Heart" I read.

 I hug her, which surprises me more than anyone, "Thank you so much, this is the best thing I own." It really is, I'm going to pay her to make Harry one, Flea one, Everyone back at the farm one. I can't wait! And rebel heart? I love it.

D blushes again, "Thank you Avalon for everything."

I use my hand to blow her off, "I did nothing, dufus."

The door opens and wade sticks his ruffled head in, "They're coming for you, Av."

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