Chapter 18- Gonna Let It Burn

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On the side is the trailer for Natasha and Chris! I made it :) 

Natasha's p.o.v

It's been three weeks since we've started this delinquent school. I still feel like I don't fit in here, mainly because these kids are delinquents and I'm not, none of the Welly's are. I haven't spoken to my mother for two weeks but she hasn't even attempted to call me which is worrying me a bit.

"Right then class today we will be starting our new syllabus which is poetry." Straight away the whole class started moaning and throwing profanities at my English teacher, Miss. Lottie.

"Stop complaining and being so rude!" I yelled which made the class shut up except for one person. Yes you guessed right. Christian Lorenzo.

"Says the girl who's always complaining about nearly everything and everyone. I think you hate more than you love." Christian stood up, slowly walking towards me. He grabbed the chair which was occupied by another student. Pushing the poor fella off the chair Chris dragged the chair and put it next to me. He swung his legs over my table and put his arms behind his neck, his muscles flexing in process.

"Can you please go back to your desk, I don't like your presence." I told him off earing a smirk off him.

"Too bad you'll have to see me again after school huh?" He whispered in my ear. His breath smelt of cigarettes but the scent was being covered by his strong refreshing cologne.

"Okay people so today we'll start off by reading a poem called 'Havisham' by Carol Anne Duffy and really get the real meaning of the poem." Miss.Lottie started teaching the class who gradually started taking interest, including Chris but I was in my own little world because I've already studied about this poem in year 9. It was definitely one of my favorite poem.

"Pshh Natasha." Turning around I saw Mady trying to get my attention.

"What?" I replied back. She threw a piece of scrunched up paper at me. Making sure that the teacher wasn't looking I opened it up and saw that it wasn't a note but a poster.

'Christmas Talent Show

In a band or performing solo doesn't matter sign up for the Christmas Talent show and show off your real vocal talent! Auditions will be held in the auditorium on the 30th of November.

Winning two acts will receive a place in the Annual Talent Show which will then lead to the National Talents Show! Winning acts will also get a chance to record their own songs! so don't miss out on this great opportunity to shine!'

Woah! That was a lot to take in actually. So theirs a talent show being held which could lead to big things. Even Better! I love singing in fact every single Welly loves singing. We do have a little band but not like those typical girl band we're a bit different when it comes to music.

"Don't bother auditioning." I heard Chris say next to me.

"And why the hell not?" I replied a bit confused.

"Because the school's best band will be auditioning for sure and you have no chance in front of them." He said with a small smile etched onto his face.

"Well I don't really care I mean have you heard the Welly's sing? We will win easily." I assured him.

"We'll see about that." He answered back turning around to continue doing his work. As Chris was working and I was playing with my tongue piercing I saw him put a small guitar charm, which was connected to a silver necklace he was wearing, in his mouth and gently bite on it as he was writing. Now that I think about it Chris always has that chain around his neck just like I have a chain that I never take off too. But mines has a hamsa hand and a ring connected to it.

"Stop staring at me Natasha." Chris said without taking his eyes off his book.

"I'm not." I replied back lowering my gaze.


"Okay so are we all doing this or not?" Mady asked the Welly's.

"We can try I mean I love singing and we're all really good together." Johana spoke up. Mady and I went up to the Welly's informing them about the upcoming talent show. So far we've only convinced Johana.

"Guys I don't think it's a good idea, I'm pretty sure that the skets will also be auditioning and lets not lie they all have pretty good god damn voices." Hayley pointed out referring to Diana, Danni and Gaby.

"Hayley we were so much better than them don't lie to yourself." I argued back.

"But the auditions are in two days! We won't be able to produce a master piece in two days guys!" Alexa interjected but she did have a valid point.

"Listen we're the Welly's we can surly think of something in like what twenty minutes? Come on guys this can be a big opportunity for us to actually show these people that we're not like them, that we don't just like being naughty and creating problems and troubles for others and mainly we need to prove to them that WE ARE NOT DELINQUENTS!" I yelled. Suddenly Johana stood up.

"You know what Natasha is right! I want to go back home I want to go back to our school!" She agreed.

"Me too I want to go back to England where we belong." Alex stood up too followed by Charly and then finally Hayley.

"Yess! Guys I'm 101% sure we'll win!" Charly clapped and we all did our traditional Welly dance.

"Okay on a serious note we need to start auditioning now." Maddy exclaimed.

"No I mean you guys go ahead and plan what we might sing. Remember it has to be different from all songs why not mix a couple of songs and create a really nice one! But right now I'm getting late for work. See ya later birds!" And with that I left our apartment with a huge smile on my face.

I decided to walk even though it was freezing outside, I should really get Chris to start picking me up too. Entering the shop I went to the staff room and hung up my black leather jacket and side bag. As I was about to turn around I smelt cigarettes.

"You're not supposed to be smoking in here." I informed Chris but he just shook his shoulders.

"Caroline isn't coming in today and tomorrow and well for the next six days." Chris loaded the piece of new information in my head.

"Great! This means we can pack up earlier right? I mean it's not like she'll know." I suggested. Chris blew out a final puff of his cigarette and then smashed the remaining into the ash tray which was kept under the cabinet. That's where he probably where he keeps the remaining. Hmm I should one day expose him in front of Caroline.

"You're right we are. And anyways I need to be somewhere at 9 so we'll close up at about 8:30ish. Is that fine?" He asked me. I nodded my head and was about to leave the class but he grabbed my upper arm and pulled me back into the room.

"What the hell mate?" I yelled.

He wrapped his long strong arms around my waist bringing me into him.

"Why do you pretend like you don't feel attracted to me?" He asked leaning down a bit.

"Because I don't okay now move away from me. I need to start working." He did not loosen his grip on me in fact it got tighter.

"I know you want me as bad as I want you. You know Natasha if I want a girl she'll come running to me. I mean who can ignore this." Chris finally let go of me and put his shirt up revealing his 6 pack. My eyes automatically widened and I smacked my mouth. That couldn't be real. I mean his 6 pack was perfect and ahhhh that little wanker!

"Okay fine you have a nice body but that doesn't mean I'll still sleep with you. You see the thing is I have very high standards." I strolled out the room but  could feel his gaze on every inch of my body. Inside my head I knew that Chris was definitely someone I would date too bad he's an idiot. 

Okay okay I know it's a short chapter but work is really getting to me! We all have mocks next week so we're preparing for them and I took some time out of my schedule to update because I wanted to refresh my mind but I still hope you like the chapter.  

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