Chapter 3 : The Airport (Part1)

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Chapter 3 – The Airport (part 1)

Hayley’s P.O.V 

After we pulled that amazing stunt saying good bye to Crescent Girls High. We decided to hang around at one of our favourite parks. Glaze Stone Park, for the very last time. It was right next to Maddy’s house so we left our school bags there and grabbed some picnic snacks that she had stuffed under her mattress, Maddy's mum doesn't really like her eating sugar.

“I really can’t believe we’re moving from London, from that crappy school, from those crazy teenage girls, from the annoying teachers, from this peaceful park, from-..”

“Yes, yes we understand Hayley. No need to get all emotional now.” Johana told me whilst rolling her eyes.

“Remember the time we came here because we threw a party while the teacher was running late to lesson and she was only late for 10 minutes. The music was blazing out and the whole class was having a blast. The moment the teacher walked in her face was absolutely priceless. She sent us out to the head teacher’s office but instead we ended up here, in this very park.” Natasha reminded us with a grin on her face

We laughed our heads off at the memory. The class went mad. It was like a group of people that escaped from a mental institution. Some were on tables and chairs and others were dancing like their life depended on it.

We walked past many adults giving us the you-should-be-at-school looks but in the situation we were in, there's no chance we'll ever end up back there.

After a long walk and the couple of odd glances here and there, we came to a halt and sat under a tree. Not any old tree but our oak tree. The first time we ditched school we came here and sat under this exact tree. We got Charlotte to skillfully carve ‘Wellys’ on it, it’s a memory for us and to ensure the by-passers that this tree belongs to us, the Welly's.

In-fact, if I'm being honest with you we are quite known around this neighbourhood, no adult that we haven't passed by hasn't tutted at us, and no seniors that we walked by didn't give us threatening glance and lastly no police officer that we have ever passed hasn't stopped to check us.

We all sat down in a slumping position sighing and in a comfortable silence. We didn’t say anything for 20 minutes straight. We were just looking around, taking in the scenery for the last time. I turn to face the girls, they all were seemingly in deep thought about the programme. Maybe the realisation hit them that where actually leaving this place for good, they were leaving their territory for good.

“Were we that bad?” Charlotte asked us breaking the silence. We all turned to face her with all confused expression as she carried on.

“I mean…. We didn’t just get kick out of school were getting sent to a whole other country and not just any old school a school for delinquents. We're not criminals..-”

“Actually we are criminals” Madeline cut of Charly as she looked at her watch “Approximately 48 minutes and 45.7 seconds ago we ruined our cafeteria walls and hacked into their intercom system.” Maddy kindly reminded us with a grin on her face. Her and her supernatural brain.

“I’ll ask you guys a question.” Natasha said as we all nodded in approval as she carried on. “Maybe we did take it over the top, maybe at times we were really bad, but let me ask you something. Do you regret it? ... because I’m sure as hell I don’t.”

I let her words sink in. I really don’t regret a moment. The fact where living our high school life to the fullest is one of the best things, because your only a teenager once. Plus we're not even doing badly education wise.

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