Chapter 24

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Olivia and Schalke

*Olivia added Max Meyer*

*Olivia added Leon Goretzka*

*Oliwia added Yevhen Konoplyanka*

*Olivia added Benedikt Höwedes*

*Olivia added Atsuto Uchida*

*Olivia added Franco Di Santo*

OLIVIA: All my babies have been added

OLIVIA: who else should I add?


YEVHEN KONOPLYANKA: As you can see Max is the always excited kid one

OLIVIA: I can't add everyone

OLIVIA: They will kill me

LEON GORETZKA: Who are we going to kill?

BENEDIKT HÖWEDES: And he's the one with killing obsession

LEON GORETZKA: No that's not true

ATSUTO UCHIDA: Dude you were talking to yourself today and you said "If I run fast enough and hit the wall would I die?"

OLIVIA: Psychologists say it's normal to think about those things

FRANCO DI SANTO: What am I doing here?

OLIVIA: Regretting all your life decisions


FRANCO DI SANTO: thanks for that remainder


OLIVIA: you're welcome

OLIVIA: no but seriously should I add someone else?

YEVHEN KONOPLYANKA: omg you need to add Fabian Reese. He made a poem you need to hear it

*Olivia added Fabian Reese*

OLIVIA: tell me your poem

FABIAN REESE: "Oh love no matter that you're 1000 miles away we can still look at the moon and pretend we're looking at the same one"

OLIVIA: But...

YEVHEN KONOPLYANKA: We haven't told him

FABIAN REESE: Told me what?

OLIVIA: How many moons do you think there are?

FABIAN REESE: idk like 4

FABIAN REESE: you know north, south, east and west

OLIVIA: Oh god kill me please

YEVHEN KONOPLYANKA: Should we tell him

LEON GORETZKA: we will destroy his whole life with it

OLIVIA: But it's better if he knows


BENEDIKT HÖWEDES: but then he will feel like his whole life is ruined

ATSUTO UCHIDA: Like the way I felt when you told me that Houston is not a name but a place


OLIVIA: lalalalal

OLIVIA: I can't hear/read that

FRANCO DI SANTO: @Reese there is only one moon

FABIAN REESE: Oh no I already send it to my girlfriend

OLIVIA: Speaking of girlfriends

LEON GORETZKA: You got one?

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