Chapter 20: You're My Future

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* Lenny’s POV *

John, Will, Chester, and I spent the day moving boxes and boxes from a huge mover truck to an apartment, helping out Ava’s dad move back in Sydney as Ava, Bailey, Lisa, and Harley were occupying the kitchen, making snacks for all of us.

While the girls were chilling out inside the house, chitchatting, the guys were all busy moving furniture into the right rooms and ensuring all the beds were safe as Lisa and Max were expecting a baby. Therefore, everything needed to be safe and secured.

Max landed a business deal which made them packed their bags and travel back to Sydney, which made my baby happy. Finally, she didn’t have to wait for holidays to spend time with his dad and Lisa, and that made me extra happy that I won’t see her moping whenever we attend my side of the family’s gatherings.

Though, my family really enjoy having her around that they sometimes tease me about when I’m popping the question, and if I ever needed help in coming up with a plan, because my parents and everyone who have met her, thinks we’re going to last forever.

And I was thankful that they all love her or I’ll probably tell her to kidnap me and go away and get married before coming back. Perhaps we’ll research on some countries that do not allow marriages to get annulled or divorced so we’re going to be stuck together. That’s how badly I’m in love with Ava, and I’ll do anything to have her in my arms.

“I thought John’s the only Pearce who zones out a lot…” Will uttered, waking me up from my little thoughts about Ava’s and I’s future. “But I guess twins do a lot of things in common.” He uttered as his eyes widen, then, whistling a tune.

“How did you even know I do that? That’s creepy, dude!” John commented. From the corner of my eye, Max snickered while we were setting up a bed in the master’s bedroom.

“The girls talk about it most of the time.” Will uttered.

Chester agreed. “Yeah, you wouldn’t want to hear it. It will make your ears bleed from all the squealing.”

“Don’t forget the slapping!” Will piped in as the two nodded in agreement while Max, John, and I were so confused, wondering which girls were talking about us and what exactly did they have in mind.

“Which girls are we talking about exactly?” John inquired as the two zipped their mouth shut, like it was some sort of a secret.

“You guys can’t back out now…” I uttered in a serious tone. Max shook his head, laughing at the growing tension we were creating.

“Clar, Ava, and Bailey.” Chester gave in.

“But Clar was mostly the one fangirling, if that helps.” Will uttered.

John and I laughed. Perhaps it was because we found it too cute that our girls were talking about us. When we heard they were hanging out whenever Justice Crew had shows or rehearsals, it made us become closer to one another. Like we were all officially a family.

John even commented how we’re both lucky to find that girl that we already know we would like to settle down with. Our parents had the talk with us that they both approved of our current girlfriends. A plus sign for Ava for loving Harley like her own, and I was indeed thankful for that. Dad commented that Ava’s a keeper, but he also said that Bailey was too, and was proud for the both of us for meeting these lovely ladies.

“You know you’ve been staring at my daughter for the past five minutes with that weird smile in your face.” Max commented. I found him standing beside me as John, Will, and Chester chuckled at how stunned I was to see Max beside me with a serious look on his face.

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