Chapter 11: Decisions, Decisions

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* Lenny’s POV *

“Hey Cece.” I greeted her the minute I stepped foot inside Ava’s store. She was the first person I saw, holding onto a basket and filling up the shelves with goodies.

“Hey… Len.” She uttered, in a surprising manner, as if she wasn’t expecting me to come over. “Does Ava know you were coming?” She added.

“No. Do I have to ask her for permission?” I raised a brow, questioning her in a nice way. This was the first time Cece asked me like this. It usually didn’t matter if I drop by any time of the day. Something must be up.

Immediately, Cece shook her head and continued on her work, avoiding me. For some odd reason, she didn’t talk to me today unlike the other times I’ve been here. Letting her do her work, I sat on one corner as I waited.

Once Cece was done with the basket in her hand, she went behind the counter and fixed some things.

“Do you know where Ava went?” I finally spoke up, curious to know where my girl was. And if possible, maybe I could catch up to where she was.

“You just missed her. She went out for some snacks I think.” Cece uttered, signaling she didn’t know anything else so I just leaned back and waited.

Getting my phone out, I listened to some tracks until I got bored. Thirty minutes had gone by, but still no sign of my girl coming in the store. Then, I stood up from my seat and went around, checking out new designs.

One charm bracelet got my attention. It had gummy bears design, and I knew, I just have to get it. I know I told myself I’ll try to forget about it, but I just couldn’t leave it alone. This was a huge part of my life, and it’s too hard to forget about it.

I mean, for all these years, I’ve been looking for her, thinking she was my soul mate. However, Ava was that girl now. I’m not sure how I’ll react when I meet gummy girl one day, but I know it will be so complicated.

Numerous what ifs popped into my mind as I was reminded of my gummy girl. Would I ever leave Ava for her?

The thing is, I can’t imagine my life without Ava, but I still feel incomplete without my gummy girl. It was all too complicated thinking about who was more important to me right now. Ava, for one, didn’t date anyone, but because of me – I became that lucky boy who had captured her heart. But gummy girl won’t stop occupying my mind lately. It was as if telling me not to lose hope.

The sounds of laughter echoed throughout the store as Ava stepped in, grabbing me out of my thoughts comparing the feelings I feel for both girls. Following behind her was… my twin brother. What the hell!

Quickly, I placed the bracelet back on its shelf. I met her halfway as she dived into my arms for a hug.

“Where have you been?” I asked, looking between John and Ava, curious to know why they were together.

John smiled and waved his hand, telling me there was nothing to worry about. “I just treated her out for snacks because she didn’t let me pay for the items I bought. Perks of being your brother. Either that or she finds me more attractive than you are.” He teased as Ava’s eyes widen at the last part, choking on it. Though, she didn’t defend me or anything.

Shifting my gaze back to Ava, she hugged me tighter, not even uttering one word, just enjoying the warmth of my hug.

On the other hand, John called Cece and gave her a package. “Here’s what I promised.” He uttered, and then, shifted his gaze back towards us. “Well, I must be going. I’m picking up Bailey for a date. Thanks for this, Ava.” He waved his hands, bidding goodbye, and leaving the store.

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