Chapter 2: Magic Mike

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* Ava’s POV *

“Have you gone mad that you’re actually talking to yourself?” Will teased the moment I stepped back inside the house.

“No, that was Lenny Pearce from Justice Crew outside. He was a bit distracted, smiling weirdly at me.” I pointed out, rolling my eyes. “I didn’t know he was your neighbor.”

“Why, Ava? Would you actually come often if he was?” Will asked, raising his eyebrow, fishing for information if I’d date the guy. I know Will too well. He’d do that with any other guy I meet up. “And no, actually his mate is my neighbor, Lukas.”

“My cousin.” Jade shared, like that bit of information helped out. “If you remember Connor, they’re friends.” I don’t even know why she needed to name names.

“So is Len next in line?” Clarisse’s eyes twinkled, more of trying to persuade me to give the guy a chance if he ever wanted to date me. I simply shrugged.

“Are you seriously rejecting that magic mike butt?” Clarisse questioned, which actually sounded so wrong in my head.

And the boys agreed at how freakish that was. “The images in my head.” Joey whined, patting his head with his hand continuously until Will helped him as he smacked his head with the inflatable sword they were both playing with earlier.

“What’s up with you hurting me tonight?” Joey asked Will. “Admit it, you like me.” He teased as Will glared at him. He stood up and went to sit beside me, possibly telling me to save him.

This is one of the reasons why I didn’t end up dating Will, other than being his best friend. He’s good at teasing people, but when things get heated, he needed me to save him out of it. Not my type of guy.

Though, it’s funny how other guys bombard him with questions asking me what I wanted or what I looked for in a guy, thinking that Will had an idea since we were close. But no one knew what I wanted – except for that one guy I met at the park years ago.

If only I had his name or even a picture of him when he was a kid, then maybe it would be easier for me to find him. However, I’m pretty sure he’s probably in a relationship right now, happy with the girl of his dreams.

“Please!!!” Clarisse snapped me out of my thoughts, begging me for something I didn’t quite catch.

“Please what?”

“Give Lenny a chance… promise me!” She uttered, though I’m not even sure what she’s getting out of this.

“Clar, I’m not even sure if the guy likes me. I mean, he’s Lenny Pearce after all, and I’m just Ava Wright.”

“But promise me, you’ll give him a chance.” Clarisse insisted and well, I did say I’ll try to let go of my standards.

“Fine, you win.”

* Lenny’s POV *

The moment I’ve been waiting for has finally arrived. After our hang out at Lukas’ house last night, my friends didn’t stop from all the teasings and lectures how to ask Ava the right way. And it didn’t help when they had different opinions and tricks on how to get her.

This feels like I’m reenacting How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days, though the opposite – How To Date Ava Wright.

John told me that chicks dig bad boys. Paulie told me to sing her a song. Samson told me to be a gentleman. Solo told me to listen to her. Lukas told me to not embarrass myself and do things way out of proportion. And Eman told me not to be myself so I wouldn’t scare her away like how I pushed the others.

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