Chapter 14: Man-To-Man Talk

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* Ava’s POV *

Extremely frightened, I paced back and forth around the lounge room, waiting for dad and Len to finally come out of the room. It has been ten minutes since dad threw me out and had locked it, telling me he needed to have a man-to-man talk with Len alone.

The look on dad’s face when he saw us earlier sent massive terror my way, and obviously even more towards Len, making him tremble under my dad’s stares. A nudge on the side was needed to get Len roll over to his side, and finally stand up on his own, as he steps back until he collided with the wall, which made me smile inside at how nervous he was.

But of course, it didn’t last long since I met the awkward silence that has been keeping me company while the two special boys in my life are having a talk.

“Sir, I’m really sorry!” Len said, loudly. Petrified, if I may add, and then, reversing the tables as it was now me who had a sour look on my face, wanting to bang the door loudly to get Len out of that room as I heard him groan, numerous times, telling dad how sorry he was.

This was the first time I had heard and seen dad on this state so I was nervous as hell, hoping Len would make it out alive. He wasn’t this bad with mum, but then maybe because mum was a girl and Len was a guy who had made me cry.

“Sir!” Len cried out as a loud bang on the walls vibrated. Images had gathered up in my head on what was happening, but I knew dad wouldn’t just open up in the middle of a fight.

If only I could stop him…

And right then, I forgot I had a spare key somewhere around the kitchen counter, only I had to find it immediately, or else… ‘No, there’s no or else, dad wouldn’t do something’, I chanted, although, the sounds I’ve been hearing were the complete opposite.

Rummaging through drawers, cabinets, and even under flower pots, the whole kitchen was a mess; things were flying over my head as I was determined to find that key. After what seemed like ten years, I found it stashed inside a tin can, far corner of one of the cabinets.

“I found it!” I whispered, excitedly, holding the key high up in the air, imagining it was even glistening in the daylight.

Couple of seconds later, I found myself outside the room, cringing away as I had heard another bang with a whimper coming out from Len’s voice. That’s when I decided to take up enough courage and open the door.

Images in my head were already flashing Len all covered in blood, groaning in pain, curled into a ball on the floor. But what surprised me was that both my dad and Len were all smiles as they met my gaze, and I was now utterly confused.

“Told you, she’d come.” Dad commented as he walked past me. “Again, no naughty naughty, unless, you’d really want my hand connecting your face with real punches.” He uttered, almost teasingly.

Dad shifted his gaze from Len to me as he spoke. “Took you long enough.”

“Dad.” I countered, leaving me speechless. Whatever Len had fed my dad with, it was working, just like the first time I had met him.

What is up with Len, anyway? I don’t get how easily he could fool people, and get away with it.

“Listen to him.” Dad suggested.  “The guy’s really sorry.” He paused as I was trying to think of the correct words to utter. “Don’t start with me, Ava. Lenny Pearce is actually telling the truth, and I approve.”

“But dad, I’m your daughter! Why are you even taking his side?” I argued.

“No buts!” He chuckled. “Come on, stop denying it. You’re all I don’t want to have a boyfriend, unless it is gummy bear boy. And look what we have here…?” Dad had proper mocked me, in front of a smiling Lenny Pearce.

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