"What's your name?" Nyla asked starting the girl down.

"Ashanti." She responded quietly with a shaky voice.

"Last name?" Nyla asked with a mischievous smile.

"Not important." Ashanti responded with a little confidence in her voice.

"But we need to know if you're the right girl." Nyla said taken back by Ashanti's comment.

"Right girl for what?"

"The right girl that would lead us to three million dollars!" Nyla said laughing. I smirked knowing exactly what she was doing.

"Three million!? My name is Ashanti Carter and in 23 years old. I'm in medical school practicing to be a Pediatrician."

"We just needed your name not your life story." I told her, but the bitch was over excited.

"What game show is this, if I should ask." Ashanti said looking from me to Nyla.

"Well your our guest star on Hitman T.V! Your host are me Nyla Smith, and my dear brother Drew Smith. Your going to be held hostage for the next 72 hours because your brother asked us to do several deeds for us, but didn't pay us back! So if he doesn't pay us our 3 million in the next 3 days, you're dead sister girl!" Nyla said casually causing me to laugh.

Our new friend Ashanti started to cry loudly when she heard this which made me happy.

You mess with us, we take it to your family.


I knew Javon bad ass had something to do with this! I just couldn't stand being in the car with these crazy ass people. I knew what I had to do. Tell a quick lie about my identity and then they'd let me go.

"I think you guys have the wrong person. I grew up with my grandmother in New Jersey. I have no siblings whatsoever." I said through the damn tears that wouldn't stop flowing.

I watched as Nyla sighed and looked over at Drew. He nodded his head towards her direction and she sighed even heavier. I secretly smiled with content knowing that I was very convincing. These fools think I'm a dumb ass, but they're the stupid ones now.

I watched as Nyla opened the glove compartment and pulled something out. "I ain't wanna do this sister girl, but you must really think we dumb." Nyla said before turning around facing me and putting a gun to my face.

I started screaming. This can't be happening. I have a life to live and out of nowhere I'm targeted for something I have no idea about.

"Aww, bitch please shut the fuck! I can't even think with this bitch in here! Just kill her already!" Drew told his sister which made me scream even louder.

Within seconds the car pulled over to a Wawa convenient store, and I was dragged out of the car by Drew. He stared at me for a second in disgust before punching the hell out of me and the world slowly got black.


I quickly got outside when I saw Ashanti's body get limp. I caught her body and stared at Drew who looked unbothered and just shrugged.

"Why did you have to hit her? She was scared and you can't just go ahead hitting on women!" I semi yelled hitting him on the chest.

"She was irking me, and I let my anger get ahead of me. I didn't even got her that hard. Just a little tap with my fist, and she out cold." He said in an amused tone, which made me roll my eyes.

"Gently put sister girl back in the car. Don't you dear hit her in the next 72 hours. You know Jason crazy, and if he show up and sees his sister beat up, we'll be in trouble." I told Drew as he entered the car.

"That nigga can't do shit." He mumbled starting the car.

"Wait! We're at Wawa dummy
I'm gonna buy snacks, just in case I get the major munchies." I said exiting the car as Drew cursed under his breath.

"Stay and watch Ashanti. If you do anything stupid, I will kill yo ass." I warned him before shutting the door and walking in the store.

It was the middle of the night and a few family's on road trips were in the store buying things or taking breaks. I watched as a woman about my age was talking in a high pitched voice to a baby about 7 months olds. I smiled at the baby when I passed by. She was so adorable and I wanted to take her so badly, but I resisted myself.

A secret fantasy of mine is starting a family with a man that I loved and he loved me back. But with my background, I know that no guy would want my violent, not afraid to kill ass.

I went over to the candy section and just dropped multiple boxes of me and Drew's favorite candies in the cart. I then put in some Hot Pockets, and two gallons of Tampico Fruit Punch juice.

Making my way to the register, I saw the baby and her mother, but this time, a man who the baby sorta resembled was repeatedly kissing her cheeks as the mother recorded laughing. I watched them smiling until it was my turn to pay.

"Your total is $48.75." The cashier told me still in shock at the items I bought. I sighed while I payed in cash. Damn near spent $50 on candy.

As I was leaving the store I passed by the family. "Your daughter is adorable, and you have such a beautiful family." I told the mother who smiled as if that was the best thing she ever heard.

"Thank you very much." Both her and her baby daddy said in unison which resulted in them laughing. I waved at the baby and her father lifted up her little hand and waved back at me.

"Say bye, bye Ari." He said in a baby voice.

"Ari, that has a nice ring to it." I mumbled to myself while leaving the store.

Trying something new 😏

SEVERED BONDS (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now