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It's been a while. Y'all might wanna reread the previous part, or not lol.

Nyla Smith

I was strolling through a grocery store looking for nothing in particular before I saw a face that looked type familiar. Rolling my eyes, I continued to mind my business and throw random items in my cart before I felt a hand roughly grab my shoulder. I turned around with the quickness and pushed her calloused hands from my body. I wiped her nasty particles from my skin before staring her up and down.

"Act up Byrd. I fucking dare you." I told her confused as to why she was harassing me. I knew she was one of Asia's friends, but she never attempted to kill me, unlike the others.

She sucked her teeth and stepped back before sticking her finger in my face. I swatted the chubby little thing from my damn face and she did a fake little snicker as if she was my mother and I was about to get a lecture.

"Imma get straight to the point. I saw you in Fantasy." Byrd said talking with her mouth all open. She was one of those bitches with a wide mouth, so when she talked that shit opened all the way up.

"You saw me in your fantasies? Bitch you gay or something?" I asked chuckling at my own joke. I'm not stupid, I knew what she was talking about.

"Don't play with me. I saw you in Fantasy the club dummy." She responded back and I resisted every urge to slap this bitch upside her long ass head. She was so lucky we were in Publix and I'm not about to embarrass myself.

"I'm grown. I could go to a nightclub." I said grabbing a bag of sugar and placing it in the cart. I was about to walk off but she stopped me again.

Snatching my arm out of her grasp, I stared at Byrd giving her the attention that she desired so fucking much.

An ugly ass smirk traveled across her lips as she got ready to speak. "Be honest, you're still messing with Javon."

It's like these bitches put a tracker on me. I can't go nowhere without my life being threatened, or without being asked stupid ass questions. Before I could say anything, she pulled out her phone and scrolled through it a little bit before shoving it in my face. Snatching the phone from her, I looked at a blurry picture of me at Fantasy with Javon behind me.

"Mind the business that pays you, Birdie." That was all I could say because I knew I got caught. Knowing Byrd, she most likely sent the picture to Asia and that hoes frustration makes me happy.

An older white woman walked in the space between us and looked at both Byrd and I before grabbing a bag of sugar. Her hands started to wobble due to how heavy it and she eventually dropped the sugar.

"Oh God!" The old woman screamed as the bag of sugar fell and landed at Byrd's feet, spilling some of its content on her.

"Bitch look what the fuck your wrinkly ass did!" Byrd screamed at the pleading old lady who was repeatedly trying to apologize. I walked away from the scene and towards the check out lines so I could pay and get the fuck out.


"Nyla! I ain't seen you in a minute!" I heard Syair say loud as hell causing me to roll my eyes as he entered the car. His strong aroma of male cologne mixed with marijuana spread throughout my car once his ass touched my seat.

Putting my foot on the gas, I took off and sped away from his house. We were on our way to meet up with a Cuban connect named Juan who planned on buying some supplies from Syair.

"You know it's people out here who actually like laced shit? I know a nigga who'll pay me more for laced weed." Syair blurted out and I ignored him while continuing the short drive over to where Juan was. It was damn near midnight and here I was driving this nigga around Miami.

SEVERED BONDS (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now