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I woke up in a bed in an unknown house, which caused me to jump up. I was having a terrible headache, which helped me realize the situation I was in.

"You're finally up. How do you feel?" The girl who I forgot her name asked.

I ignored her and stared out the window. The sun was already up and I could tell it was afternoon.

"So you don't talk now?

"I have to go medical school. Where are we?" I asked still not looking at her.

"We're still in Florida. And you not going nowhere till your brother pays us." She said, and I automatically started crying.

You ever get that feeling when your crying and you remember all the misfortunes in your life? That's what happened to me. I started crying because of when I was five and Javon was ten he killed my pet fish by frying it because he was hungry. I then started to cry for my grandmother who broke her back because Javon dumb ass pranked her into believing a rat was close by her. Starting to think about it, Javon is the main reason for all my troubles.

"Why do you cry so much? You need to grow the fuck up because it's getting annoying now." The girl said then left.

"Can you at least tell me your name?" I sniffled calling after the girl.

"My name is Nyla. Don't forget that."

I quickly got up and went to the bathroom right across from the room I was in. However when I opened the door, I screamed at the sight I saw.

"Shut the fuck up bitch! Why the fuck are you screaming! Acting like you never seen a nigga get his dick suck before." Drew screamed pushing the girls head away from his penis.

"I'm sorry!" I semi screamed backing away from the door.

The girl that was giving Drew action got up from her knees and slammed the door when I fully left.

I took a deep breath and went down to the kitchen where I heard out of tune humming.

When I entered I saw Nyla warming up some breakfast that were probably leftovers. Just the smell of it made me remember how hungry I was. The last time I ate was before I left for the club.

"Sit down." Nyla said turning to look at me.

I sat down and she dropped the plate of breakfast in front of me.

"Eat and tell me about your relationship with Javon." Nyla said settling down across from me.

"Well, he's older than me by 5 years and we lived with our mother and grandma in the Bronx. He's always been a trouble maker and secretly sold drugs. Anytime he'd make me mad, and I'll threaten to tell my grandma, he'd bribe me, so I kept my mouth shut. By the time he was 18, he moved to Florida, lying that he got accepted into the University of Miami. He was really book smart, so my parents believed him. But since I moved to Florida to attend Med School, I heard rumors that he has a drug business, but we haven't been in touch." I told Nyla through mouthfuls of food.

When she didn't say anything for a while, I looked up at her, and saw she had a strange smile on her face. It reminded me of when I was younger and used to daydream about Bow Wow.

"So he was a little bad boy." Nyla says in a dreamy tone.

"A real bad ass." I said skeptically.

I heard some voices and watched as Drew escorted the girl from earlier down the stairs and to the front door.

"So I'll see you next week?" She asked in a seductive voice that made me roll my eyes.

"I'll call you anytime I want you to come." Drew responded with a commanding tone that spread a tingly sensation in my stomach.

SEVERED BONDS (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now