Chapter Seven: confident

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I left Jareds place around 11pm and told my parents i was at Lexis. As always, they're ok with me being out late.

But now it was the next morning and i could kill myself, being at school.

I had Lexi and Chris but i missed Jared so freaking much. Now that i had someone other than my best friends care about was new. And good.

Nonetheless, the day went by pretty fast and after school, we rushed back to the café.

"Thanks Chris." I ran out of the car.

"No problem but we're not only here to drive you around. We wanna get some coffee." He said laughingly.

"Yeah." I sighed, not really paying attention because i was storming inside, finding a table to casually sit at and wait for Jared to come out and see me.

Chris and Lexi came behind me and we chatted until finally, Jared came to our table.

"Hey beautiful." He bowed down to me, held my chin and connected our lips sweetly. It was a long and deep kiss which sent chills down my body.

"Hey." I blushed. "I'll..." i didn't know what i was saying because i couldn't stop staring at Jared. He stared back with his mesmerising green eyes. "I'll have a latte again." I managed to blabb out.

"Yeah, we're going to get two black coffees." Lexi smirked. "Don't mess up our order being distracted by this dork." She pinched my cheek.

"Can't promise that." He didn't look away from me once. "I'll be right back with your coffees. "He kissed me quickly and left.

I followed his figure to the coffeebar and fell in a trance. "Hey, Gabe? Gabriel! You there. There's Brendon Urie!" He snapped my head. "Not even that can get you to focus? You must really love this guy."

"I love how he trusts me. And that he compliments me and likes me how i am." I turned to her.

"Hey! We like you how you are."

"Yeah, but he like likes me, ok?" I sighed, sinking down in my chair. "He makes me feel ways i didn't know i could feel."

"That's noticeable." Lexi kissed my cheek. "I'm happy you're happy."

"I'm happy I'm happy, too."

"Ok guys, here are your coffees." Jared came back and placed them on the table. He slipped next to Chris on the bench who was next to me.

"Ok, when i asked you if you wanted to sit and talk, you said you had to work but now you sit? Ah ah boy." Lexy clacked her tongue jokingly.

"Well, i didn't want to give the wrong impression, falling gor your little game. I wanted to make sure that i wanted him." He bent forward and kissed me slowly. He held my cheek in his hand and rubbed his thumb over it softly. "You."

"Glad you did." I winked at him.

"So, what did you guys do yesterday after the party?" Chris smirked at us.

"Talked." Jared answered and kissed my cheek quickly. "About trans stuff."

"Okeeey." Chris huffed. "Wait, trans stuff? As in trans trans?"

"Yeah." Jared entwined our fingers. "I'm trans." He casually said.

"Oh...well, i don't know what you say after that? Good for you?" He laughed awkwardly. "But...seriously, you can't tell."

"I know." Jared smirked at Chris and they laughed.

"Wow, you told me all scared and calmly on your bed and you just tell them within a second? Pff, I'm hurt." I complained.

The Barista (BoyxBoy) // FTM // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now