Chapter Three: he's an ass

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I was too scared to look at him as i left the café. Since i thought about him, not liking me or making fun of me, i was afraid he'd actually do it.

I was a nobody. And him? He was the most handsome person I've ever seen. I would never have a chance with him.

I opened the door and saw my reflection in it. I looked boring. Black jeans, black hoodie, red beanie. I liked this look, but everyone else hated it. Jared probably too.

Fuck, i shouldn't go anywhere by myself. I keep on hating me more and more.

I stopped walking and stared at my reflection properly. I couldn't stop. It seemed like i could never stop when i was staring at something. I really had to change something about that habit.

A silhouette coming near me woke me up. It touched my arm and pulled me back. It was Jared. Who else.

"Hey, Gabriel. You forgot your sketchpad." He handed me my blurryface sketchpad. "Nice one." He smiled at me.

"Y-you like twenty øne piløts?"

"I love them. But actually i meant your drawings." What?!


"Yeah." He flipped a few pages until he was at the back of the book where always i scribbled when i was bored. "Those. They are awesome."

"Ahm, they are just garbage you know that? I draw those things when I'm bored." He handed me the sketchpad. "And they are just circles and lines anyways."

"What? No. I totally see what you want to say with those drawings."

"What i wanna say? Then you know more than i do." I chuckled.

"Gabe, you're weird. I totally see beautiful things in those messes." He smiled at me, looked deep into my eyes and right into my soul.

"Oh-okey." I chuckled awkwardly and got out of the door. "B-bye." Why the fuck does he make me stutter all the time?! Fuck.

"See you. You're a weird mess." He winked at me. What the fuck? That wink was so unnecessary with what he said.

"Wow. Great way of putting it. Thanks." I wanted to point out that i was pissed. And i did.

"Wait, no- don't you get what i meant?" He walked out after me a bit.

No i don't fucking get it.

"I'm leaving. I'm too weird." I mumbled the last part.

I was right after all. He is just some handsome jock.

Fuck, i wanted him to be different.


- next day -

"How did it go yesterday?" Lexi wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"Pretty fucking shitty. He's an ass."

"What? Why?"

"He told me I'm weird, and a mess. Thanks, but i don't need more people telling me that i suck."

"He said that?" Chris asked. "I thought he was into you."

"Don't you get it? No one is into me. No one will ever be. There are 7 billion people on this earth, and i can't seem to find one person that likes me. It's just how it's supposed to be. And i'm tired. Come on. Not even the geeks want me. Why the fuck should a handsome barista want me."

"I could've sworn he liked you." Lexi said. "I'm sorry."

"At least now i can stay home on Saturday."

The Barista (BoyxBoy) // FTM // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now