Chapter Five: are you an addict?

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"How much did he pay you?" Some jock asked with a ton of his friends in his back. I bet without them he'd be such a coward.

"I actually paid him, you know? I have to suck his dick for eternity that he's willing to be with me." He smirked at me.

"Why would you do-"

"Ok all of you fucking close minded wannabes. Stop fucking asking me why i hang with him. First of all, it's my fucking choice, and I want to fucking spend time with him and now i finally had the guts to tell him how i felt about him and you're ruining everything because he thinks I'm just as big an ass as you are. And i'm fucking not. You desperate people on the other hand are. You fucking pick on him for what he wears or that he's shy and by himself? How fucking messed up are you? You are embarrassing. Now, could all of you just fuck off and leave him and me alone? Thanks!" He turned back to me, placed his arms on my hips and started dancing with me again.

"Woah. No meed to freak out." They mumbled.

"Oh, I didn't freak out yet." He said against my lips after he kissed me again.

"Thanks." I whispered against our kiss, blushing.

"Don't thank me." He chuckled and turned me around, pessing his body against mine again.

"I still don't believe this." I blushed. "You're so hot and you...lik-"

"You're hot too. Babe, I'm going to call you babe," he chuckled. "You're fucking hot."

"I just don' one thinks I'm hot and i just don't believe that such a gorgeous person like you, would think differently."

"Those people are stupid. I think you're beautiful and hot," He kissed me again. "And amazingly sweet and innocent which makes you way hotter."

"You swear you're not fucking with me?" I gulped as he pulled away from our kiss, grabbed my hand and walked me up the stairs. "I don't want to be annoying with asking all the time, I'm just used to people hurting me and i'm so fucking scared that you'll hurt me."

"Lexi already threatened to kill me if i hurt you, so i won't. Even if she didn't, i still wouldn't. I will never hurt you, ok?" He still walked further with me. "I really really like you and i fell for you, the second i saw you and i didn't even know you. And the more i know about you, the more i like you. So stop thinking about me crossing you over or anything. I won't." He stood still all of the sudden and kissed me, pressing me against a door.

"Ok." I blushed again. "God I'm happy now." I giggled.

A few hours later when everyone was gone, Jared and I were the only ones left. We found Lexi and Chris, sleeping in her bed, arm in arm. That's where they've been the whole rest of the night. Not that i got much of the party, i was too distracted, kissing my boyfriend.

Fuck this sounds good.

My boyfriend.

We decided to clean up the place a bit so they wouldn't have to. But it was more of an excuse to stay with each other longer. I was going to stay the night at Lexis anyways. I just didn't know what he was going to do.

After we cleaned up the empty cups we sat on the couch in exhaustion. It was 3am.

"I don't want to go home." He mumbled as he kissed my cheek and trailed cute and small kisses down my jaw.

"Then don't." I smiled at him as i backed up on the couch. We both laid down on it, his head on my chest.

"They're sleeping anyways so it's ok if i stay here cuddling with you, right?" He kissed my neck.

"Yeah." I smiled and went trough his hair.


The next morning went by pretty good. As Lexi and Chris came downstairs, they just stared at us with 'awww' written on their faces.

We ate something quick for breakfast and chilled at Lexis home til 2pm.

"I think I'm gonna... head home." Jared started. "Do you wanna come? See my place?" He blushed as he asked me that.

"Y-yeah. I'd love to." I blushed too.

"Uhhh. You guys are so cute i wanna eat you." Lexi squealed.

I rolled my eyes but smiled. "Ok then," Jared said. "See you guys at the café?" He directed to Chris and Lexi

"Yup." Chris answered while Jared took my hand and we walked out.

"Bye." He shouted at the door and turned back to me while entwining our fingers. "Hop in." He smiled at me.

"You came with your car?"


"But you knew you were going to drink." I said and he started smirking at me.

"I knew i wanted you and i knew i was going to explain what you misunderstood and i knew that we were going to kiss and make out and make up, so i figured we were going to sleep somewhere together. Either Lexis or your place." He kept smirking.

"I could've blown you off." I huffed while he opened my door and i got in.

"No. I see how you're staring at me. I'm irresistible." He kissed my cheek and started the car. "Ok i kind of hoped faith was on my side. Which it was. And now i have you." He smiled cutely.

"You have."


"Babe? Don't scream, my place is a mess."

"I won't scream as long as i can use your toilet."

"Deal." He kissed me and opened the door.

"Fuck you, this is beautiful and not messy. You're stupid." I laughed.

"Yeah?" He came from behind me and picked me up and threw me around like a little cat.

"Fuck, you're strong." I giggled as he let us both fall on his couch. "But i still need to pee. Then I'll be back." I kissed his neck quickly and rushed to the bathroom he gave me direction to.

I walked in, peed and as i washed my hands, i spotted something off.

There were empty wrappings of syringes. What?

"Babe?" I got out of the bathroom. "I really like you and stuff...but tell me now...are you like...a drug addict? Because i don't need more drama in my life and if you're doing those kinds of drugs i-"

"What? What do you mean?" He stood up and held my hands tightly.

"Those." I pulled out the empty wrappings and showed them to him. "Please tell me now, if you have problems or something-"

"No i- it's not that."

"Then what is it?"

"They're for something else...not for drugs...i promise."

"For what are they then? Are you sick?"


"Do you not trust me? Please just tell me you're ok."

"I trust you. But i need to be 100% sure you'll accept me."

"What? Accept? Whatever it is, I'll undetstand it."

"I-" he broke up his sentence and went in to kiss me. "Please, remember you like me, as i am."

What does that mean?!

The Barista (BoyxBoy) // FTM // CompletedDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora