Day 4

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  Third period had ended, I stood and grabbed my notebooks and stuffed them into my bag with the rest of my stuff. "Hey," a bright voice called out to me, I turned to see the redhead, Jessie, again. She smiled as she stood next to my table, "So? Need a new guide?" I stared at her for a moment, the nodded, "Yeah, I'll take you up on that," I say as I sling my bag on my shoulder and started for the door. She quickly followed as I handed her my schedule, she proceeded to read the schedule with care, a cheeky smile planted on her rosy lips. "Happy to help!" she says as she walks next to me as we enter the hall. " Okay so you have Mr. John next, he's a Math teacher," she tilts her head looking kind of concerned aside from her smile as she looked at me. "Do you like math?" She asks, starting to walk down a different hall and up some stairs.

I shrugged, "It's," I paused thinking of an appropriate word "tolerable, but not my cup of tea" I finished, following after her.

"Well, I guess you'll kind of like the teacher then. He's odd, but he is also a great teacher" She seemed to put in more thought about her choice of words, this caught my attention.



  She appeared very focused on where the classes were as she mouthed the room numbers to herself as we passed room after room. I continued on, "What do you mean in odd?"

  She paused in her step, turning to look at me, mildly amused. I froze nervously anticipating her response. Jessie's features soften into a smile as she giggled and waved me off jokingly, "It's his way of teaching is odd, you'll see," she covers her mouth with the paper, hiding her smile. I frown confused, "Well that sounds like something I need to worry, then"

  "Not really much you need to worry about, though when it comes to Mr. John," she says looking around the hall and back down at the paper. I raised a brow curiously, "Well, what are some of the things that I need to worry about then?" I asked fidgeting with my bag straps a little. She looked up to the roof for a moment as if in thought, "Well, Mr. John does have a kind of dead rat, swamp smell to him on certain days or months at a certain time," she grimaces as if recalling the scent, "He won't explain why, so we leave it alone." she clarifies, "Weird huh?" I nod.


  At that moment a sharp pain enters the back of my head worse than the pain before, "Oof" Jessie glanced back at me, then back to the paper, "You alright? We're almost to your class," I nod, rolling my head around, "Yeah, I just get headaches when I'm too anxious," She chuckles, "Oh I bet, but there's really no reason to be, this school is pretty tame," I run my hand through my hair in an attempt to soothe the aching in my head. Great, now my nerves are making my head hurt, I really need to relax I thought as I looked down at my shoes.

  "Does anyone know where the smell is from? Or how it got on him?" I mindlessly ask, taking a calming breath to distract myself. "No one knows, people are making theories that it might just be his washer and dryer is broken, causing him to wear his dirty clothes repeatedly or he got sprayed by a skunk then fell into a dead bear carcass that just happened to be nearby or something" she explained as she made her way around a right corner into another hallway.

  I scoffed chuckling, "I think the first theory is more likely to happen but the second seems exaggerated." I grinned at the thought of how ridiculous people's actual thoughts can be. Rounding the corner after her, I soon see that she had stopped in front of someone. She whirled around to look at me, revealing who was in front of her. My breath had hitched in my throat, the sound of my heart pounding in my ears deafened me, Well shit I thought mentally facepalming myself.

  He looked up from Jessie and stared at me. His cold gaze locked with mine, I didn't even realize Jessie was yelling at him until I saw her point her finger in his face. Even though she stood in between us, it still felt as though she wasn't even there at all. Nothing could stop neither one of us from breaking our interlocked gaze, it was complete tunnel vision. Nothing but the sound of a rapid heartbeat and shallow breaths, however ringing erupted through my head, and I cringed. My stomach churned, it wasn't really painful, but in time it gradually got worse. The pain began to rob me of my vision, slowly turning him into a blurred figure, Ugh, I don't feel so good, what's happening? I thought as a shaky hand came to my chest where a palpitating heart laid. He narrowed his eyes, watching me, before knitting his brows together. The throbbing in my head grew more painful by the second, making dizzy, I gasped trying to collect as much air as I could into my lungs, only then did I realize the increasing closeness of the floor.

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