Day 3

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    After almost a whole day of Finn's feasting frenzy, he finally yawned. I was seated at the counter, watching as the sun finally touched the horizon. "Ami?" He called as he stood from the fruit-covered floor, I eyed him as he rubbed his eyes. "I wanna go to sleep," he says as another yawn escapes him. Without a word, I nod and get up from the counter, "Get on my back, I'll take you upstairs," I kneel in front of him, he smiles, and waddles over, getting on. "Hang on," I whispered, he wrapped his sticky limbs around my body tightly as I went to quickly clean up the mess he made.

   Finishing up, I hopped him up for the 6th time as he now slept soundly against my back. I adjusted him a bit more to prevent him from sliding off before I went upstairs. Midway towards my room, I paused, looking over at the bathroom, thinking Maybe I should give him a bath, I mean he can't be in my bed, being as sticky as he is; it'll ruin my new comforter, I thought as I gazed at the bathroom door. Finn continued to sleep as I proceeded into my room to grab some clothes from my drawers, quickly grabbing an all-black t-shirt and another pair of old girl boxers. Then, walked out to the hallway closet and took a large bath towel out.

  I set the items on the sink and looked back at Finn in the mirror who was still asleep, "Finn? Finn!" I whispered hopping him a little on my back to wake him up. He groaned, "Finn," I called again, "Mommy," He whined out, I paused and stared at him in sorrow. Poor kid misses his Mom, I should do something for him, just to make him more comfortable, I thought as I kneeled onto the bathroom floor, then an idea popped into my head. Even though he's already getting a bath, I'm going to try and make it fun for him I thought as I gently rolled him off my back and onto the plush bathroom rug; he groaned at the movements, but stayed asleep.

  I crept away from him quietly to the sink, I opened the bottom cabinets and grabbed a colorful bath bomb and some caramel and brown sugar-smelling bubble bath. I glanced back at Finn checking to see if he was still sleeping, and he was still out cold. Stepping over him in the process, I snuck back over to the tub and set the items down before turning the hot and cold water knobs to adjust the temperature for him. The water ran into the tub, quickly filling it. I sat down next to Finn on my knees as I waited for the tub to fill up. I gazed at him, as he peacefully slept. I smiled, his little brown hair strands almost covering his eyes, I gently moved a stray hair away and noticed his thick eyebrows. I looked back at the tub to see the water was at its mark. I turned off the water while settling a hand into the water checking the temperature. "Seems good to me," I said to myself as I looked over at Finn.

   I crawled over to him and shook his shoulder, "Finn, the bath's ready" he groaned. "Finn you need to get up and take a bath before you can go to bed, wake up!" I told him, he groaned again, then shook me off his shoulder. I grunted and sat up on my knees, "Get up or," I paused in thought, Or what? I thought, then it came to me. "Or I'm telling your brother you won't listen to me," I said kind of unsure about my choice. Finn whined and sat up, I smiled  as I watched him rub the tiredness out of his eyes.

  He yawned as he looked at me, "Okay" I nod and reached for the purple jersey that hung from his little shoulders and pulled it over his head, messing up his brown hair. I tossed the jersey into the hamper, and I looked in the other direction while pulling the girl boxers down, he stepped out of them and handed them to me. I smiled at him and tossed them in the hamper too, then picked him up. I looked at the water then at him, "The water is a little hot, so be careful" I told him, he nodded as I lowered him down into the water.

  Once, he was all the way in; he kind of purred at the temperature of the steaming water. "It's so warm," he said feeling around in the water. I smirked as he tapped the water like it was a toy, I turned to grab the bubble soap. I poured it into the water and watched the bubbles build up as he splashed, Finn also watched in amazement. "Wow," he said as he reached for a huge group of bubbles that collected in a corner. I watched him play for a while, he really enjoyed himself, the sugary caramel fragrance filled the entire bathroom as he splashed around creating more bubbles, even washing away all the debris from his body. He was like a bright light all by himself, full of pure joy. His joy brought a fuzzy feeling to my heart, and it made me feel happy as I chuckled and playfully splashed him.

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