Day 2

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I searched around the dimly lit room, spooked. Where did that sound come from? I get out of bed rushing to turn the lights on, whilst scanning my room once more. Maybe a book fell out of the shelf or something I thought as I ran my wondering orbs over to the bookshelf, but no book was out of place. I glance at my bed watching the sleeping pup's body rise and fall as he sleeps. His tail curled around his small tan form, I rolled my tense shoulders trying to loosen up. Must have been my imagination, if he didn't hear anythin-


I jolt, the abrupt sound seemed to rattle through the walls. I glance at my bedroom door, thinking whether or not I should go check out that noise. I whine, knowing I have to regardless because I'm assuming I'm the only one awake right now. I dislike myself sometimes, why didn't I just pretend not to hear it? I thought as I carefully walked over reaching for the knob with a clammy hand, and opened it slowly.

Quietly, I cracked the door open enough so I could stick my head out into the dark hallway, airwick air fresheners lit the hall. I looked down the right towards my parent's room, but nothing. Then gazed down the other way towards their shared office, again nothing. With a sigh, I opened my door more, now leaning against the doorframe, tired and slightly nervous. I rubbed my eyes furiously but froze, a soft gleam of light suddenly made itself known from what looked like the living room just barely touching the bottom step.

I narrow my eyes at the light feeling more uneasy, we always turn out the lights at night, both for saving on the electric bill and for defensive cover, so there was no reason for this light to be on right now. I just can't catch a break, can I? I thought as I ruffled my hair up. Amidst my frustration, I remembered the crutches I stored in my closet while unpacking. Silently, I slipped back into my room to carefully search for my weapon of choice. I crept out of my room into the hall and inched towards the steps.


I gasped, covering my mouth before a scream could escape. Panic trotted through me as I waited a moment before taking another step, adrenaline being the first to welcome me as I swallowed my fear. My body felt as though it was reduced into nothing more than a hurricane of eagerness and unsettling fear as I clutched the crutch and crept further down a bit swifter. Taking a breath, I held the crutch close, ready for action. One step at a time, growing closer and closer to the bottom of the staircase. My heart thumped against my rib cage, protesting against me moving any further into the possible danger zone. Finally, I get to the bottom step, heart pounding in my ears as I stand there raising the crutch on my shoulder like a baseball player ready to swing. Though there was no one in the living room, the lamp in the corner of the room; next to the bookshelf was lit. My eyes flickered around the room excessively and frightened. The unknown noise's cause was nowhere to be found, at least not in this area. I strode in, inching slowly into the room, my legs shaking under me. I took in rigid breaths as I walked through the room, gazing over my shoulder with every step I took. I crept towards the bookshelf, getting ready to swing. I inhaled before jumping out in front of the bookcase to uncover an empty corner between the bookshelf and the wall. Nothing, I exhaled relieved, "Jesus," I whispered under my breath.

There were a few other places to check, I wasn't in the clearing yet. I turned around facing the entire room looking to see where to check next.


I jumped 2 meters into the air at the same abrupt sound, my eyes reluctantly flickered to the kitchen. My eyes stung noticing the light that was on in there as well, I felt a lump form in my throat, wanting to cry, wanting to scream, I was terrified. All I could think about was how It was not my time and I was too young repeatedly in my head as I carefully crept to the kitchen, crutch on my shoulder once again. Shaky legs, rapid breathing, and high blood pressure bombard me at once. I tiptoed towards the door frame from the side and leaned my back against the wall. I went to peak into the kitchen, a shadow moved quickly across the floor. I flinched, eyes becoming more watery by the second. My heart dropped to my stomach, I started to breathe faster becoming lightheaded. The more I waited, the more I wanted this to be over with, but I knew I had to do this, I needed to have the courage for the sake of my parents and this brand-new house that we just moved into.

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