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January 4th, 1993
10:48 A.M

I sat in the doctors office waiting on the doctor to come back in with my results. I had been tested for HIV and multiple STDs.

I was scared out of my mind. I guess fucking all these bitches was catching up to me. But I wasn't even fucking to everybody. I was only fucking Erin and Lauren and one of them gave me an STD. Then there's a possibility that I gave one of them an STD.

Erin's a stripper so she can be fucking any and everybody. Then again Lauren was sleeping with Abdul who was sleeping basically every bitch in New York. So if Erin did give me this shit then I gave it to Lauren and Lauren gave it to Abdul. But if Abdul had it first then gave it to Lauren, that means Lauren gave it to me and I gave it to Erin.

As I set there trying to figure out who gave me this burning sensation the doctor tapped on the door twice then stepped in.

"The test came back positive for gonorrhea but other than that you're fine. You don't have HIV or aids thankfully. I'm gonna give you a prescription for some antibiotics and it should be cleared up soon."

I sighed a breath of relief.

"Ezra," The doctor spoke lowly while leaning in.

"You should seriously be more careful and consider getting tested for HIV and Aids more often since you're having unprotected sex."

"I understand that and I'll take that into consideration."

"Would you like to schedule another appointment a month from now?

"Yeah that's fine."

After finishing up with the doctor I decided to go see Lauren to tell her what was up.

I was so nervous, how am I supposed to tell someone something like that? I feel so bad that I have to tell her this bad news. I can't help but to feel that it's my fault.

When I arrived to her house I grabbed the papers the doctor had given me and got out the car.

I unlocked her door with my key that I had to her place and walked in.


"In the kitchen!" She called out to me.

I walked in there to see her making some lunch and her son at the table admiring her.

"Baby, we need to talk.." I said while leaving a kiss on her cheek.

"Let's talk," She smiled taking some muffins out the oven.

"I don't really wanna talk around the baby." I said referring to her son who clearly wasn't a baby.

"Son, go play your game. I'll call you when the food is ready."

She took off her oven mitts and look at me while leaning on the counter.

"What is it?"

"Man I don't know how to even tell you this. I'm so sorry Lauren you don't deserve any of this."

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