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January 6th, 1992
4:18 A.M

It was early as hell but I had to get up because it was the first day of school. The reason I was waking up so early was because I had like two trains to take in order for me to get to my school.

I got up and went into Nas and Chauncey's room to wake them

"Get up." I said while turning on their room light.

"Get the fuck out, B!" Nas said tossing over in his bed.

"Alright, don't come to school then." I said turning back off the light.

Chauncey didn't even hear me I don't think. But Nas came to his senses and jumped up, telling Chauncey to get up.

I hurried up and went to the bathroom before any of them can get in there.

"Man Omar hurry up!" I recognized Chauncey's voice as I picked out my hair.

"I'll be out in a minute, aight?" I said as I stared at myself in the mirror. Saying I am fine is an understatement.

After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I walked out the bathroom to see my pissed off brothers. I laughed lowly to myself as they mugged me.

"Y'all niggas little mad or big mad?" I said while giving them a big smile.

"Suck a dick." Nas said with clenched teeth. This nigga was always mad.

"I mean I can suck yours if you want me to." I winked at him before switching away which caused him to laugh.

"Nigga you gay."

"Alright nigga chill, I'm just playing witcho' ass." I walked into the kitchen, turning on the lights.

It was now 4:30 and we ain't had to be in school until 8. It was dumb ass hell for us to be up this early. But me being me, I had to make sure everything was gonna be good.

I looked in the refrigerator seeing it wasn't shit but orange juice in there. I closed it and opened the cabinets which revealed oatmeal and cereal. It wasn't even no milk!

I saw Chauncey walk into the kitchen.

"Ay man go to the corner store and get some milk." I said slamming the cabinet.

He sucked his teeth. "Mannn why I always gotta go the store?"

"Because you the lil nigga."

"Omar. Listen to yourself. It's got damn 4:00 in the morning and you talking bout go to some damn store!" He said raising his voice a bit.

"Damn." I said realizing what time it was.

"Then y'all niggas just gonna starve." I said nonchalantly.

"I mean we can really go to
McDonald's." Chauncey said while turning on the television.

"The Cosby's on lil nigga." I said having a seat.

"Aw shit my favorite show." He said getting up to change the channel.

Nas mad ass walked into the room doing the same thing I just did a couple of seconds ago.

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