Chapter 1

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-Chapter 1-

"I'm off to work, Ava, I'll see you after!" I call from the kitchen. I weigh my bag over my shoulder and snatch a bagel that I can hopefully manage to eat on the way. I grab my car keys and swing them around my finger, heading out the door.

"Wait, Carson!" I hear my older sister shout from inside our house. I walk back towards the door and meet her on the otherside, opening the door to see what she wants. Ava looks ridiculous with her towel still up in her hair, struggling to put in her other earring as she talks. "Would you mind helping out at the bakery later? I've got a date with Logan tonight and I really don't want to raincheck him again."

I don't see the problem. "Don't you have someone working tonight anyway? Why do I have to help out? I was going to practice for my audition." I retaliate, a bit irritated.

"Yeah, that new guy Ryan took the late shift tonight, but I can't trust him yet. I mean, he seems trustworthy and all, but I just hired him a couple days ago." Ava explains. I understood her predicament, and of course I would help out, but I really need to practice for my audition. I just sigh and nod before turning around and unlocking my car.

"Have fun at work. Tell Margaret I said hello!" Ava says, smiling as I pull out of the drive way. My sister can really get on my nerves sometimes. She's super fun, but sometimes she just plans poorly.

"Both highly unlikely." I mutter to myself. I take a bite of my bagel as I start the drive to my work.  I takes about 20 minutes to arrive, due to bad traffic, usually it only take 10. I have a feeling Ms. Everson will not be the happiest.

I hastily park my car and scurry to the front entrance, waving a quick hello at the nice lady at the front desk. I repeatedly push the elevator button, as if that'll make it come any quicker. Without thinking, I step into the elevator quickly, without politely letting the remaining people out.

To my luck, I manage to bump into someone rather clumsily. I stumble back quite a bit, my back hitting the elevator wall. I look up at the figure looming over my small height. The man looked about my age, but I was nearly half his height. He showed no expression on his face, whether it be anger, or something apologetic, I'll never know. He was wearing a white, almost see through, T-shirt and black skinny jeans. Tattoos covered both his arms and from what I could see, a fair amount of his torso. His hair looked windswept, even though we were indoors. His large hands were brought up to the top of his head, where his sunglasses were resting and pulled them over his eyes in an intimidating way. It was as if I looked him in the eye, I would turn to stone. He huffed his breath once and strode out of the elevator in a way one would think of a bully escaping after abusing his victim. 

I was taken aback by this whole scenario that just took place, it took me a minute to recover. After he was gone, I quickly regained my professional stance and pressed the button for the eighth floor. I tapped my foot impaitently as the elevator rose, though my mind seemed to linger on that impolite stranger. He left without a sorry, but then again it was partially my fault also. The doors open to the eighth floor and I make my way down the hall to Ms. Everson's office.

I walk through the front walkway and past the guard that stands by the lobby. He smiles politely at me and I return it. I go to Ms. Everson's office in the back, dreadfully awaiting what will come next.

I knock once before entering. Ms. Everson doesn't do much as look up from her desk, as if she were actually doing work, but I know better. She leaves almost everything for me. "You're late." She says in monotone. Her voice sends chills down my spine and I refuse the urge to cringe at her tone.

"I know, I'm sorry, there was bad traffic and--" She holds her hand up and I falter my excuse. I knew she wouldn't listen. She stands up and heads out the door and I know from past experience to follow or she would be in an even worse mood.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2014 ⏰

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