Prologue-Kyo Fubuki And Hope's Peak Academy

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I stood staring out the window, another beautiful day awaited me. It felt like another one of those 365 days of the year, you go outside and do something fun. Something along those lines is exactly what I'd planned for today.

"Oh. Sorry! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Kyo Fubuki and I'm a new student entering Hope's Peak Academy. I bet you're wondering what does some shy, timid, optimist want with Hope's Peak? Well that's what I'm about to tell you!"

First of all my talent. I'm the Ultimate Soccer Defender, sure it's not much of a talent like being the best soccer player, but I can't complain. Second of all my intention to go there, I've always wanted to go to this school as soon as I first saw it's advertisement on tv. Could you imagine a school full of talented people with abilities better, worse or just like mine?

After what seemed to be the most exciting walk ever, I arrived at the front of the academy. It looked like just every other school at first glance. Tall gates, paved road, lush green grass and the front doors just waiting for me to head in. Upon making my way in, something felt...unusual.

"Hello! I'm ready for the opening ceremony...anyone here to show me around?"

Not the best welcoming obviously, maybe I'm late and everybody's already there. In that case I just had to find my own way...and just like that I'd collapsed for some reason.

"Where am I?"

My head tilted up from the desk, still dazed and delirious from fainting. It would seem as though I was in a classroom, but this was no ordinary classroom. The walls were covered by metal plates, the class was empty and everything was beyond quiet for a school known for talented students. My original thought was that it'd be bustling and full of students and teachers conversing.

"I've got to go look around."

After exiting my seat and the foreboding classroom, I decided to make my way to the gym where I thought I'd heard sounds. Upon reaching the area where the gym was situated, my hands opened the door and a bright light covered my eyes as I entered.

"Who's this dork?!"
"I don't know? He doesn't look too tough!"
"Are you kidding? that's Kyo Fubuki!"
"Well with him that makes sixteen of us."

After wiping my eyes, I was surrounded by fifteen other teenagers. Most new, talented classmates. All of them looked like just your everyday students that you'd find in every other school. So I decided to go around and introduce myself to everyone. My first introduction came to a girl with pitch black hair with a red strand in it.

"Hi there. My name is Kyo Fubuki. I'm the Ultimate Soccer Defender!"

"What the hell do you want, loser?!"

"I just...came over to introduce myself."

She sighed with her arms crossed at me. My first introduction and it's already gotten awkward.

"Listen, don't worry about it. I'm Mikino Nizakuro the Ultimate Trash Talker. If you want to ask me anything, feel free. But don't take advantage of that, bitchy dork."

"I'll take your word for it and please stop calling me mean names next time."

The second closest person was a girl with brown hair and an odd taste in fashion. I'm no girl, but I can tell that's totally not the new trend.

"Hiya! Kyo Fubuki, Ultimate Soccer Defender. Nice to meet you.

"Hello there, Kyo. Totally cool too meet you. I'm Mami Ishikawa, Ultimate Actress!"

"You're an actress, now I feel really awkward in talent comparison."

"Aww, don't be. Consider us friends now!"

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