Going Home

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Ricky's POV :

I wake up in pain but at least I wake up to the sight of the prettiest brown eyes in the world

"Hey.. your awake" Ariana beams already happy "You ready to go home?" she asks coming over

"Definitely" I chuckle "I'm sick of this place"

Eventually the doctor comes in and we talk about how I'm feeling and he gives Ariana a list of things I need to do to help rehabilitate myself

"Thanks Doc" I shout as Ariana's small ass rolls me out of the hospital doors in a wheel chair

"Your moms on her way, soooo until she gets here we're just gonna have to wait" Ariana says giggling at the last part

"Hmm, what do you think we should do in the meantime ?" I smirk pulling her onto my lap

"I have a few things in mind" She hums as she grips my face and pulls it closer until our lips touch. I wrap my hands around her waist and pull her closer so I can taste her perfect lips better

I slowly slip away from the kiss but stay still close enough to where I can feel her breathing on my lips. "You do realize how ridiculous this looks right ?" I say grinning ear to ear "Total Fault in our Stars moment" I add making her bust up laughing

"I do" Ariana giggles with light and happiness shining through her doe eyes. She grabs my chin about to pull me back when we hear a familiar car honk

It was a semi painful trip getting out of the wheelchair and into the car but once I was in all i could think about was food. The only thing I had eaten since the accident was gross hospital food

"In - n- Out ! In - n- Out !" I holler from the back seat. Ariana and my mom try to ignore me by talking about how her and my sister slept, but I'm not letting up. I repeat and repeat until I hear an "okay okay we're going" from my madre, followed by a faint "jack ass"

I order a double cheeseburger, chocolate milkshake and animal fries ( when your California af 😂). Ariana decided to eat when we got home but my mom ordered a burger for herself and my not so little sister who's back at my house

We finally got home and I reluctantly get help out from my mom and Ryan. Ariana had tried to help but very soon realized I am a very large 5'9, 180 pound man and she is a very small 5 foot, 110 pound woman. The laws of physics were not in her favor

After we ate all I wanted to do was relax on the couch with all my girls around me. They let me pick so we ended up watching 3 Days to Kill, A crazy ass movie I found on Netflix. Maybe it wasn't the greatest choice to watch right after getting out of the hospital

Ryan sat disinterested and on her phone but she was here and that's all that matters. Mom was squished comfortably into the corner of the couch with her eyes glued to the screen. I honestly don't know why. And then we had Ariana. She laid with her small head on my lap and her body all rolled up and I sat there running my hands through her soft hair

The movie had ended and being the gentleman I am, I let the girls pick the next one. They all agreed on a movie called If I Stay. Throughout the whole movie they all sobbed into their popcorn screaming "Stay !" At the tv. I wanted to bust up laughing but every time I did I either got socked in the arm by Ari, had a pillow thrown across the room at me by Ryan, or projectile popcorn thrown at my face by my mom. Seriously my mom

The crying had gone down and so had the sun. My family was getting ready to leave and told me they'd be back in a few days. I gave them hug good byes and so did Ari. We watched and waved until they had drove out of the driveway. Once the door was closed it was just me and Ari

I grab her tightly but carefully by the hips and pull her into my body. "Do you know how awful it feels to want to rip your clothes off but cant" I whisper with my heated breath, into her neck

Ariana just giggles at my misfortune and gives me sweet kisses all over my face. "Well, that's something that's going to be put on hold until you're 100% better" she says making me groan. "Come on, let's go sleep in our big comfy bed" she states sleepily pulling me softly up the stairs

Ariana helps me change into my pajamas and we both slip in between the cold sheets, slowly heating them up with our combined body heat. I drift asleep with Ariana in my arms, thinking about other things me and could be doing in this bed


No matter what you celebrate I hope you are having a good time surrounded by family and friends 😊❤️

And I'm sorry this chapter was so short I'll work on making the next one longer 💗

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