Hawaii day 3

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I wake up in my favorite place in the world, in Rickys arms. I wish we could stay like this forever. I look up and see Rickys sleeping face. He's gorgeous. His long lashes and his perfect plump lips. His chiseled jawline and scruffy facial hair I love to run my nails through. I look back down at his chest and trace my fingers lightly over the tattoos on his body.

I feel Ricky starting to wake up so I fake going back to sleep. I feel him kiss my hair and squeeze me.

"I know your awake" he says

"Damn" I laugh opening my eyes and looking up at him. "So what are we doing today"

"I'm still considering whether I'm going to tell you" he yawns.  (Did anyone yawn Bc I did 😂)

"Please" I whine

"I'll give you three guesses" he smirks

"I have no idea" I pout setting my face on my fist "Can I have a clue"

"You will need a bathing suit"

"Surfing?" I question


"Something with a boat?"

"Your getting closer" he says confusing me making my eyebrows scrunch up.

"Wait a minute were not really ?" I practically yell super excited

"Really what?" He says with a smirk

"Really going snorkling!" I scream hoping I'm right

"Ding ding ding" he says smiling

"Oh my god" I squeal. "Have I ever told you how much I love you" I smile grabbing Ricks sleepy face and pulling it to mine.

"I think you might have metioned it once or twice" he says making me laugh

"Well .. I .. Love .. You" I say kissing his lips in between each word.

"So beautiful, what do you want for breakfast"

"Surprise me" I say wiggling my eyebrows making him laugh

Ricky gets up to go make breakfast and I grab my phone off the table and open Twitter. As soon as open Twitter I see all this beef between Kanye, Kim, Taylor, and Selena. Yikes I think to myself as I start going through and reading all of the tweets.

Ricky comes over and brings me a bowl of oatmeal and sits down next to me.

"What are you reading, looks intense" he laughs

I hand him my phone and take a few bites of my oatmeal while he reads.

"Oh shit" he says handing my phone back

"I knowwww"

"Your not getting in that right?"

"Hell no I'm not getting in that" I laugh

We finish eating breakfast and just hung out for a little bit. Then Ricky said that it was almost time to go to the snorkling session so I threw on some waterproof makeup, put my hair in two French Braids, and got changed into my dark blue bathing suit and put on a cover up.

He's the loml ✨Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora