Nonnaaaa !!!

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I feel a soft kiss on my forehead from my favorite lips in the world.

"Come on babeeee" he whines cutely. My eyes are still closed but I can tell his cute lil dimple is popping out. He starts giving me little kisses all over my face making me giggle and I finally open my eyes.

"Ugh help me up" I groan holding my hands up for him grab. He helps me up and wraps his arms around my waist softly.

"Hey sleepy" he chuckles

"Hi" I smile with my eyes closed "Where's Alexa?" I yawn

"She's getting ready"

"That's a good Idea" I say light tapping his chest but right before I walked away I saw a little pout on his face. He looks like a sad lil puppy but cute as the same time.

I grab a sweater from my bag, then slip it on on my way to the bathroom. "Hey girl" I peep to Alexa.

"Hey Bae" she says leaning in to do her eyeliner

We get all the way dressed and the plane finally lands. I throw on my glasses and we get through the airport barely noticed. We stop at Starbucks then we make our way to Boca.

The entire ride from the airport I recorded Ricky and Alexa and kept putting funny filters on them.

As we start to enter Boca all these feelings start hitting me. This is where it all began. I haven't been here in a while and wow I miss it. This where Alexa and Me became friends for life. Im about to surprise my nonna. Just those thoughts in my mind make me happy.

We stop by the store because Ricky wanted to bring my Nonna some cute balloons and some flowers. He's the best boyfriend in the world I swear.

We finally start driving up the driveway and I can feel my heart pounding out of my chest. My Nonna loves hearing me sing so I know the perfect way to suprise her.

I jump out of the car and race to the door. Right before I open the door, I take a second to pause and calm down a lil bit.

I take a breath and open the heavy door quietly and slip in. This time of the day my Nonna is usually reading in the living room while there's food cooking on the stove. I hear the taps of my heels on the floor.

"E più ti penso, e più mi manchi
Ti vedo coi miei occhi stanchi
Anche io vorrei, star lì con te
Stringo il cuscino, sei qui vicino"

I sing low throughout the halls of the kitchen

"Is - is that my granddaughter I hear ? No it can't be I must be going crazy " I hear my Nonna chuckle

I finally turn the corner and see my gorgeous Nonna reading. I run over to her and give a tight hug. "Nonnaaaa !!!"

"Oh my. How did you get here ? I've missed you so much my love" she says slowly in my arms in her deep Italian voice that I love so much.

I helped her up and Ricky and Alexa finally come in. "Nonnaaaa" Lex says running over to hug her leaving Ricky behind. I swear Alexa treats Nonna like her actual grandma, I think to myself giggling a little.

"Oh myyy. Did you guys bring me balloons and flowers?" She says and I can see the huge smile forming on her face.

"It was all Ricky" I say striding over and linking arms with him " he goes ' can we stop by the store I wanna pick up something for Nonna' " I dote making Rick blush

"Thank you Richard" she says giving him a tight hug.

Nonna has never liked my boyfriends as much as she likes Ricky.

"So Nonna what are you cooking?"

"Some Spaghetti and Salad"

"Yum is there enough for company?"

"Always" she winks and we all go into the kitchen and eat. We talk throughout dinner and tell her about our plans to go to Disneyworld and all the way back home by tonight. She thinks we're insane but its Nonna so of course she does.

It's almost time for us to leave but as much as I love Disneyworld I love my Nonna more.

I snap a picture of us and go to get dressed.

I keep my hair In a pony, and keep my sweater and leggings on

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I keep my hair In a pony, and keep my sweater and leggings on. I throw on my heels and some sunglasses. The sun is already down so I hope not that many people notice me. 

We all give Nonna a tight hug and say goodbye. 

"Come back soon. I love you" she yelled before we could leave

"I will I love you" I say back and we finally leave.

We hop in our uber and start our drive to Orlando ......


The third part of this chapter
is coming lol ily 💓

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