Chapter 5

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It had been about a month or two now since Dan first arrived at the school, the month consisted of Phil walking Dan to class or vice versa and constant inappropriate jokes. They all were currently sat at a lunch table and Matt Watson, Louise's soulmate, decided to start joining them.

"So how's life with a soulmate?" Dan asked giving PJ, Chris, Louise, and Matt a look.

"We're trying Dan! We really are but there's wayyyy too many people with blue eyes at this school." Louise sighed, "it would help if we could limit our options."

Dan nodded and slowly got lost in thought.
"You've met too many people with blue eyes these past few weeks" Chris jumped in.

Dan sighed, "should we just give up on my soulmate? I mean, it's pointless. They can find me."

"It's not pointless Dan!" PJ exclaimed, "I mean you could let them find you but who knows how long that'd take." Chris nodded his head in agreement.

"PJ's right, mate. We need to find your soulmate. It'd make this a lot easier." Chris said with a mouth full of food.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, Chris. It's gross" Phil said chuckling, Chris immediately sticking his tongue out in response.

"Did you guys hear what happened with Cat?" Phil asked suddenly.

"No, what happened with Cat?" Louise asked.

"She met her soulmate the other day, his name was Kaden something , he got hit by a car the other day." Phil continued a sad look crossing his deep ocean eyes.

"Oh my." Dan looked over at Cat, who was 7 tables down with tears trickling down her face. "What happened after?"

"Um, he didn't make it. Ribs were crushed, lungs had holes in them from the bones. Cat said she can't see colour anymore." Phil continued more as the sadness flushed all his features. "Can you imagine that? Meeting your soulmate in Highschool only for him to die 3 weeks later and not only that but you lose the ability to see colour at all."

"Oh poor girl." Louise sighed, "I'll be right back, I need to give my condolences." She stood and walked over to Cat who hugged Louise and cried.

"I feel so bad for her." PJ spoke up, "I hope she gets another soulmate...."

"Another?" Dan asked out loud.

"Yeah. Very rarely if you lose your soulmate you'll be given a new one." Chris added and Phil nodded.

"Man I'd hate to meet my soulmate and then they'd run off and die" Phil muttered. "This is depressing let's get off the topic of Kaden." Phil smiled brightly and Dan fell in love with that big bright smile. Phil's eyes were outstandingly bright blue, almost like they had been glowing.

"HEART EYES HOWELL!" Tyler screamed from somewhere in the cafeteria.

"What the fu-" Dan looked around, he knew who had yelled it but he didn't know where he was.

"Heart Eyes Howell?" PJ asked.

"I have no idea where Tyler got Heart Eyes Howell. " Dan shrugged rolling his eyes at Tyler's shenanigans.

"Wait you're friends with Tyler Oakley?" Phil asked.

"Yeah. We're both Tenors in my choir class and I happened to be sat next to him. We made friends with each other rather quickly." Dan nodded and stood as the bell rang, signaling lunch was over and it was time for 7th period.

"That's cool, Ty's a really nice guy. He's sort of the most popular homo at the school, which I'm sure he told you?"

Dan nodded enthusiastically, "oh yeah, definitely." he laughed slightly as someone tapped his shoulder. "Hm?" He turned around to come face to face with Tyler.

"Hello!" Tyler smiled throwing an arm around his shoulder.

"Hey Tyler, this is Phil, my best friend." Dan introduced them.

"Heya Phil!" Tyler shook hands with Phil as he nodded, smiling.

"Hey Tyler!" Phil laughed lightly, his tongue poking slightly out.

"I'll talk to you next period, yeah?" Dan asked.

"Of course!" Phil nodded as Dan walked over and hugged Phil tightly.

"Awe this cute! But I hate to say we'll be late to class." Tyler interjected smirking at Dan.

"Yeah, bye Phil!" Dan waved as him and Tyler walked through the choir door, right next to the band and orchestra rooms. "Heart Eyes Howell? Really Tyler?"

"You were staring at him with heart eyes, so naturally!" Tyler laughed as they sat down and began class.


''Twas it was 8th period and all through the theatre, people were studying play lines, for it twas try out day" Louise giggled as she entered.

"Alright class! I want everyone that wants to be in the play to line up on the stage." Mrs. Pansino's voice rang throughout the theatre. "there is a room right here-" she gestured to the closed door right next to the stage, "this is my office and each person will come in one at a time and try out for who'd they'd like!" She smiled brightly. "And I see we are starting with, Gabby!" she gestured for her to follow her into the room and she closed the door.

Sooner rather than later it was Dan's turn and he looked to his 4 friends for help.

"You've got this Dan don't worry!" Phil flashed a bright smile as he slowly walked into the room. He may be the best at drama but he still got nervous once trying out.

"Hi Dan!" Pansino smiled. "Who are you trying out for?"

"I think I'll go for James." Dan had memorized every line from the mini script she had given them.

"Alright! I see potential in you for this character Dan, I feel this character may relate to you and I hope no one outshines you for this role." Dan nodded and began reading lines.

"Why are you leaving me? Is it because I'm not good enough for you? Is it because I'm not worth it? Whatever the reason may be this isn't fair for me! You obviously love me so I don't understand how you could just say that! If you walk out that door, Micheal... please don't come back.. don't come back unless you want to be with me." Dan showed every emotion he thought was necessary for this role. Pansino applauded with a big grin as he exited smiling.

This continued on till the end of class, kids trying out for roles.

"Alright! I will have the success sheet outside the door tomorrow, I wish the best of luck to you all!"

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