Kidnapped By Who?

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Lucas's POV
We've been looking for Maya for 20 minutes. But we couldn't find her anywhere. Riley couldn't find her in the bathroom. We looked in the car to see if she was waiting for us in there. We were now outside of the restaurant to see if she was just outside for some strange reason. Probably one of the dumbest ideas to find someone ever but we were desperate. We were going to see if she was anywhere else near the restaurant but then we heard someone yelling my name. We thought it was Maya but it was just my sister Rebecca.

"Lucas! Look at this newspaper I saw." Rebecca said. "You know what a newspaper is?" I asked. "Now is not the time, Lucas! Look at this article." She handed it to me and I read the article. It said "LUCAS FRIAR FOUND ALIVE." I looked at the first few sentences. It said "Lucas Friar found alive at local restaurant. Why did he fake his death? Find out in this article!" I was in shock. "None of you guys told anyone right." Rebecca said. "Why would we tell? Lucas told us not to say anything." Riley said. "Who else would've have told?" Rebecca said. "Well I told mom how I was alive this morning after you came Rebecca. But I told her not to tell the news or anything else that's apart of that until Monday." I said. "Too late now Lucas." Farkle said. "What do you mean it's too late?" I asked. "Look." He said. Across the street was a technology store. On all the tvs that were on display was a news story. My news story. "Who the hell did this? I didn't tell anyone else besides you guys, Maya obviously, and my mom." I said. Rebecca wasn't paying attention. She was reading the news article. "Hey Lucas. I have a question for you." Rebecca said. I nodded my head for her to know she can say it. "Why did you fake your death?" Rebecca said.

I'm just kidding. Continue. 😜
"The reason I faked my death was because I was getting these text messages. They were from a guy. He didn't tell me anything else about him besides that. He told me if I didn't kill myself then he would kill me. But I didn't want to kill myself so I bought a rental car, drove it to street that wasn't busy in the morning but busy at night, wrote a note that said "This was the best way to kill myself. Get in a bad car accident on purpose." -Lucas Friar. Then I decided to come out of hiding because he went to jail because he did a bunch of crimes. They also found out he was mentally, physically, and emotionally insane." I said. "Do you still have his number?" Farkle said. "For some odd reason, yes." I said. "Let us see." Riley said. I showed them it. "I feel like I know this number." Riley said. "But I can't put my finger on it." She said after. "Well let's just keep on looking for Maya. The guy is in jail now. We don't have to worry about him." I said.

Maya's POV
I woke up finally about an hour later in a dark room. "Hello Maya." said someone who sounded like a guy. "What's happening?" I asked. "Just getting revenge by kidnapping you." He said. He was seriously creeping me out. I looked down and saw how I was tied up to a chair. I was very terrified. I don't know why I was knocked unconscious, kidnapped, and tied to a chair. "Who are you?" I asked.
Who do you guys think was the guy sending Lucas those text messages? Who do you think kidnapped Maya? If you think it was two people, who do you think the two people are? If you think one person, who do you think it was. Hope you guys liked the chapter. Love you guys.
~Riley 😎😜

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