When Allah doesn't punishes

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A student said to his scholar, 'many a time we disobey Allaah and He doesn't punish us'

The scholar replied to him, 'most times Allaah punishes you because of your sins while you perceive not'

Haven't you missed the sweetness of His victory?

No calamity has befallen a man which is as great as harshness of the heart. Verily, from the most severe punishment melts out to a person is lack of guidance to perform good deeds.

Haven't days passed by without you reciting the Qur'aan??

Haven't many nights gone while you're in deprivation to  perform Qiyaamul layl(late night prayers)??

Haven't you missed bountiful goodness such as Ramadan, fasting of six days of Shawaal, ten days of Dhul hijjah and many more. Were you not deprived of full utilisation of these as deserved??

Are there punishments more severe than these?

Don't you feel disgust towards performance of acts of obedience?

Aren't you feel lethargy to control your whims and caprice?

Aren't you overwhelmed with hankering for wealth, rank and influence?

Are there punishments more severe than these!

Aren't you give in to backbiting , gossip and telling lies?

Aren't you busy yourself with extravagance, and indulgence in what concern you not?

Aren't you being negligence of Hereafter and take this life as most important of your affairs?

Know! My son! All these are disgrace and they are nothing but part of Allaah's punishments.

Beware! My son! From the most despicable punishments of Allaah are those ones felt regarding wealth, children or health. The most severe punishment is that which is felt in the heart. Beseech Allaah to grant you wellbeing and forgive your sins as slave may be deprived of guidance to obedience due to his misdeeds and he knows not.

Above is a rough translation of a very touching post shared by Shaykh Ibn Sulaiman Najmuddien. May Allaah preserve him upon righteousness.

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