Today. Tomorrow. Day after.

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Today. Tomorrow. Day after.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Many times we procrastinate and postpone things with the intention to do it later and we end up having a short period of time to accomplish the designated task.

The next thing we do is hurry the task without peace of mind and end up getting stressed and frustrated.

We promise ourselves not to do it again but in vain, we get trapped in that vicious cycle all over again.

Procrastination and postponing is a universally accepted weakness in every person but the habit can be overcome by following a few techniques.

● We should understand that we are not in control of our destiny.
● We should learn to prioritize what is imperative in life.
● It is also important to learn to do right things at the right time. Not to forget, there were instances even The Prophet ﷺ postponed things just to do it at the right time.
● Finally, we need to avert distractions.

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Article by: BM
Summarised  by: Taz Iris


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