Drop the pain

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A pregnant woman was seated under a tree very thirsty and she needed water but there was no water. Suddenly she saw some drops of water dripping from the tree. She took a cup and started tapping the drops. When water got to half the cup and she was ready to drink, a bird came and knocked the cup down so the water was spilled. It happened three times and the woman felt very bad. She took a stone and killed the bird.
After the bird had died, she saw a big snake coming down from the tree. So she discovered that what she wanted to drink was not really water but poison. She felt so guilty that she had killed the bird that saved her life.
Sometimes Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala is like this bird to us. He knows when we are about to take poison but we get disappointed when actually He is trying to help us. Maybe what you thought was water was poison. Drop the pain because there's something better for you.
Put your complete trust in Allah for our Rabb is the Most Beneficient, Most Merciful, Most Loving. He will not let you suffer shame in life.
Just take 2 seconds of your time & say
Shukr Alhamduliilah for the good things Allah blesses you with everyday.

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