*Purifying the heart for Knowledge*

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*Purifying the heart for Knowledge*

"Indeed Knowledge does not bring a person  happiness...except in one affair, and that is that he gets closer to Allah more. The goal of knowledge is not to help you reach a particular level in the worldly life. Nor for you to obtain a certificate from it, nor a chair for you to sit upon (and teach).

Rather the objective, is that the knowledge should connect you to Allah. And knowledge can only connect you to Allah, if your heart is upright and appropriate for it (Ilm).
And from it's uprightness is that you strive in purifying it from the types of filth, which if they come in it, then indeed they will make you forbidden and deprived from knowledge itself. 

And how many of people have we seen, were so keen and consistent in adhering to the circles of knowledge, it's sittings and it's books, yet in the reality of the matter, he has not felt the light of knowledge neither has he tasted it's sweetness.

Because he is from those about whom Allah said:
{ سأصرف عن ءاياتي الذين يتكبرون في الأرض بغير الحق }
[ I shall divert(turn away) from my Ayaat those who are arrogant in the land without any right ]

And those people whose hearts have been filled with certainty, when they hear this Ayah, they are afraid that they may become from those people whose hearts have been diverted from understanding the speech of Allah and what He intends.

So it is required from the student of Ilm to (be afraid)  of the loss of knowledge from himself, not for the sake of losing a sitting from his sittings, or of leaving a lesson from his lessons,  rather the most important concern and worry that is required for him to have, that there turns out to be in his heart,  that which blocks it of filth - Which he is unable to remove after it comes.

And it is required from the student of knowledge that he purifies his inner self. And that he struggles and remains consistent in doing so, for that is the most beneficial aid for him in the quest of gaining Knowledge.

And for this reason, these 20 chapters have been put in place to guide one to purify the container of Ilm, becasue If the container of Ilm (the heart)  is pure, then it becomes appropriate and correct for it to become a place for it (Ilm) to stay.

But if this container becomes impure, then perhaps the filth will gather so much, it may curropt the heart completely, until knowledge will leave it completely. 

And for this reason, how many people have we seen, who were accepting and coming towards knowledge, but have become averse to it today.  And indeed Allah is the most Noble of Noble, and the Most Compassionate of Compassionate, and indeed Allah does not turn away a slave who has come to Him.

But the reality is, he only came to knowledge apparantly.  And as for internally,  then indeed he is in a different state. For he actually seeks knowledge,  in hopes of fame and boasting,  or acceptance, or to have a great following, or to put down others from the creation. He was raised amongst them, hence he attended the gatherings of knowledge. But as for him seeking knowledge, desiring the face of Allah, then indeed he will not ever be like that in the very least.

For whoever comes to Allah, He accepts Him. And whoever seeks him, He gives him abundantly, and whoever hopes for Allah and asks him, Allah honors him.

And for that reason, it is not necessary to become preoccupied with the external - gatherings of knowledge and memorization and other than that. Yes, these are things that do help.

🌟 *But the greatest of help and aid, is that which is between you and Allah.* 

So we ask Allah to give us light and insight in Ilm and in religion.  And that he makes us all amongst His slaves whom He has mercy on.
- Ameen -

- Shaykh Saalih Ul Usaymi, Teacher in Masjid un Nabawi and Masjid Ul Haram

📚 [Extracted from his lecture on Sharh Kitaab Ta'dheem Ul Ilm]
Translated by: Gemsofsalaf admin

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