You are here for a reason

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Assalamualikum dear readers..
I heard this speech somewhere and it inspired i wanted to post it and in shaa allah it.ll inspire u too..

"My brothers and sisters,
Allah created us for a reason wallahi.
Allah dint create heck so we can eat..or sleep with women or have mates..or buy houses or drive cars..
We are not animals.
We have a purpose in this world, Wallahi we do..
My brothers and sisters i have news for you.
You only get one shot at life.
There is no coming back.
You only get one life my brothers and sisters..
STOP wasting your life..
Make something of your life.
Don't be another face in the crowd.
Don't be another number.
BE someone that contributes something to humanity.
BE someone that makes a difference..
Know my brothers i ask myself sometimes ..and i want to ask you something..
DON'T you want to be with the prophet of Allah on the day of Judgement?
Really, Sallalahu alai hi wasallam(Peace be upon him)
Don't you wanna be with the sahaba?
You think you're gonna be with them with the life you're living?
Do you think it's fair?
Do you think it's fair that you are on the same level of Jannah as those men?
Who gave up what they gave up with the life that you lived in this world?
Do you think it's fair..?
Wallahi it's not.
My brothers and sisters
Allah Azza wa Jal has created us for the purpose ro know to love him,to worship him,to come back to him and I'm sure my brothers now you are thinking Allahu Akbar,i've heard so much..
MAKE a move...
Make a move...
Stop dallying , stop dallying ,come back to ALLAH..
Come back to the masjid.
Come back to the Qur'an.
Come back to salah.
Allah is waiting for you, Allah is waiting for you eagerly...
Make something of your life my brothers and sisters...
You know wallahi the brothers were showing me what they do in Syria and that I thought ALLAHU AKBAR.
Imagine you're someone who made a difference in the world.Sometimes you think ' yeah whats a hundred dollars gonna do in the box? '
Brothers and sisters,sometimes you put money in the boxand that money goes to buy a package or it goea to buy some food or it goes to buy a blanket and then people go someone somewhere around the world who needs it and that blanket covered them up and it made them warm , yoi contributed to to humanity..
Imagine you are someone who goes out and calls people back to Allah.
Imagine you are someone who puts the love of Allah back in peoples hearts.
Wallahi my brothers and sisters,the world is lost,wallahi people have lost hope..Muslims included.
And wallahi sometimes just telling people about Allah makes alla the difference in the world..
But who's gonna do this?
How many people can I visit, I am only one man..wallahi I am.
Everyone one of you now didn't you hear something..
Didn't something move you.
Get out to the thousands of people that you know...
Go tell them...
Call them back...
Wallahi my brothers victory in this world is only through the Deen of Allah.
People think,brother we're livng in tough times,there's a lot of confusion.
Allah says in the quran,
"Today i have perfected you religion"
The Prophet of Allah says in the authentic hadith,
"I left you two long as you hold on to them tou will never ever ever ever go astray.No matter what age you live in.I leave with the quran and i leave with my sunnah".So long as you hold on to these two things.
NOT the Quran and Sunnah how you understand it.NOT Quran and Sunnah what you think is good and bad.
No,no,no, but Quran and Sunnah how the Prophet of Allah and his Companions understood it and applied it i their lives.THAT Quran and Sunnah.
Your Quran and Sunnah is confusing the world..
No,no,no i'm talking about the Quran of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and the Sunnah of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam that changed and conquered humanity.
THAT Quran and Sunnah.You come back to that.And you watch and see what changed in your life.."

I made some small changes in the above speech like adding some words and deleting some , some grammer editing also but those are minor and everything rest is same..
I hope in shaa allah that atleast someone is inspired by this speech ...

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