Chapter 2: Saying Goodbye to Pittsburgh

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It was midnight on a saturday morning, we were cleaning out the building that used to be the Abby Lee Dance Company, it was empty because we had packed all of the things of the ALDC in boxes and they were already in the new building where it would be the home of the studio. Even the Reign Dance Studio logo was covered up.

"I'm gonna miss Pittsburgh." Maddie sniffed, wiping her eyes as tears were rolling down her face.

"Me too..." Kalani choked as she got in the Taxi, the moms, Gianna, Aaron, James, Jennine, Chloe, Nia, Mackenzie and Kendall were already in Malibu because they elected to take a flight last night while Maddie, Brooke, Paige and Kalani elected to stay behind with Me and Abby.

"I'm gonna miss this place very deeply." Abby sighed, looking downtrodden over leaving the city where it all started, i put my arm around her.

"I'm gonna miss it too." I said, then i looked at Abby, she had tears falling down her face because in this building, she had made employable dancers for 34 years in pittsburgh, but now, she was going to make more of them in Malibu, but she knew that even though we were making a change by relocating to another city, the memories would remain.

"So many memories..." Abby began to cry as i wrapped my arms around the dance teacher, feeling her pain over moving from the city where she grew up and started her studio as her crying caused my own tears to flow as well as we both cried as Brooke and paige rubbed our backs to console the both of us, then they start crying as well as they hugged us as two Taxis pulled in. One would have Me, Abby and Maddie and the other would have Brooke, Paige and Kalani

Then after 30 minutes of crying, we all calmed down and we got in the Taxi that had just arrived and would take us to the airport, but before we left for Malibu, we decided to do some reminiscing.

"Miss Abby?" Maddie climbed in the Taxi where we were sitting in, her eyes bloodshot from the tears that she shed as Brooke and Paige got in the second taxi.

"Yes?" Abby croaked, sniffling over leaving Pittsburgh, but her mother, Maryen told her that it was needed and like the old saying, times are a changing after Kalani put our bags in the trunk of the cab and she got in the taxi with Brooke and Paige.

"Remember when Jamaal did the splits for the very first time during a rehearsal?" She asked, trying to brigten up the mood as the Taxis left the empty parking lot, leaving the old building behind.

"Yeah, i thought he was gonna hurt his groin, but i was surprised that he came back up smoothly with no injury." Abby recalled. "Chloe's eyes went wide when he did that." and when we reached an intersection, there was a banner that said "Good luck in Malibu, Abby Lee Dance Company, We'll miss you!".

Abby couldn't help but cry again, but she knew that Pittsburgh still loved her even though she was moving to a warmer part of the USA as i held her as she cried on my shoulder, Maddie rubbed her back as we reminisced on more memories.

"Remember that time Melissa covered me with mud one day?" I asked Abby, who had stopped crying a minute later and started to laugh at the memory i was talking about.

"Oh, yeah! i remember that!" Abby chuckled.

"He had to shower for three hours because of the mud." Maddie added, as i had a look of embarrassment.

We arrived at the Pittsburgh International Airport an hour later, although it was 1:00 AM, it was still busy as i paid the taxi driver and when he left, we grabbed our bags before he left to do more of his duty for another customer and headed inside and headed to the ticket counter.

"Hello, everybody." The ticket agent greeted us politely.

"How are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm doing good, although i just started my shift." He told us as we gave him our bags as he put them on the conveyor belt that would take them to the plane we're gonna board to Los Angeles and we showed him our boarding passes.

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